Total: 59-63 Hours
1 Education majors completing a Pre-K-4 or a 5-8 license must take MUH 2140 (4 hrs)–or, alternatively, MUH 2160 (2 hrs) + ART 2160 (2 hrs)–for the Fine Arts requirement. Also, BA students with a major in Music should take MUH 1200 to fulfill the Fine Arts requirement.
2 Music majors seeking a BA degree must choose ART 2000 , DAN 2000 , TDR 2000 , or TDR 2800 .
3 Classics majors must choose one pair from the following to fulfill the BA Foreign Language requirement: REL 1150 + REL 1160 (Elementary Greek); REL 1110 + REL 1120 (Elementary Hebrew); GRK 1010 + GRK 1020 (Elementary Classical Greek).
4 Correspondence / Distance work in Foreign Language is not accepted as credit for Belmont students. Also, students who have had three years or more of a Foreign Language in high school may be ready to begin language study at Belmont with the 2000-level courses. Incoming students with previous language study are encouraged to consult instructors in each language to determine specific placement.
5 Exceptions:1) ENG 1050 will count as a Humanities credit. ASN 2000 , Asia for the Humanities, will count for HUM credit. 2) These individual courses will not fulfill the Humanities requirements in General Education: ENG 1000, 1030, 1010, 2030, 3010; ENL 1990, 2000, 3440, 4900; ENW 2000, 3050, 3960, 3970, 4010, 4900; EUR 4500; PHI 1540, 2330, 2340, 2350, 2360, 3150, 3160, 3240, 3430, 4110, 4120, 4130, 4140, 4150, 4200. (The following PHI will meet the Gen Ed Humanities requirement: PHI 1510 , PHI 1520 , PHI 1600 , PHI 2250 , PHI 2310 , PHI 2380 , PHI 3110 , PHI 3200 , PHI 3260 , 1950, PHI 2950 , PHI 3950 ).
6 Philosophy majors and minors must take PHI 1600 as part of the Humanities requirement.
7 Language majors must take at least one ENL course in literature, at the 2000 level or above.
8 Education students seeking K-12 or 7-12 licensure must take MTH 1080 if they have a score of 25 or above on the Math ACT test; otherwise, they must take MTH 1110 (College Algebra) to fulfill state licensure requirements. For K-12 and 7-12 Licensure students, MTH 1110 is approved to meet a General Education requirement for Mathematics for those students who do not qualify to take MTH 1080 .
9 Majors in the School of Religion will follow neither Path A nor Path B. Rather, they will take REL 1020 , Introduction to Old Testament, followed immediately by REL 1250 , Introduction to New Testament and Exegetical Methods, which is a non-General Education course. They will also take a 3000-level topical (Path B) Gen. Ed. REL course after accruing 60 credit hours.
10 Once a student has matriculated to Belmont, he or she may not take a lower-level Religion course at another institution and transfer this course in as Belmont 3000-level General Education course in Religion. A 3000-level (or above) course in Religion may, however, be taken elsewhere and transferred in for Belmont’s 3000-level Religion requirement after the student has acquired 45 credit hours toward his or her degree.
11 Education students seeking secondary or K-12 licensure should consult their advisors before taking courses to meet their Science requirements.
12 BIO 1010 is intended for most non-science majors. BIO 1110 is an introductory course for BIO majors, BIO minors, and pre-health students. CEM 1010 and PHY 1010 are intended for most non-science majors. CEM 1610 is the introductory course for chemistry majors, minors, and pre-health sciences. PHY 1100 is intended for those with interests in sound. PHY 1140 is intended for AET (Audio Engineering Technology) majors. PHY 1110 (trigonometry-based) and PHY 2110 (calculus-based) are introductory courses for science majors and pre-health students. CEM 1610 , PHY 1110 , and PHY 1120 have mathematics prerequisites. Students who apply PSY 1200 to the BELL Core may not use PSY 1100 for other science options in General Education.
14 Marching band do not substitute.