Humanities: 3-4 Hours
Select one courses from the following prefixes:
(Students will receive credit for their study at the 1010 level of a foreign language only if they also successfully complete the 1020 level of the same foreign language.) 2, 3
(ENG 1050 and ASN 2000 will also count in this category. See footnote 3)
Total: 51-53 Hours
1 Education majors completing a Pre-K-4 or a 5-8 license must take MUH 2140 (4 hrs)–or, alternatively, MUH 2160 (2 hrs) + ART 2160 –for the Fine Arts requirement.
2 Correspondence work in Foreign Language is not accepted as credit for Belmont students. Also, students who have had three years or more of a Foreign Language in high school may be ready to begin language study at Belmont with the 2000-level courses. Incoming students with previous language study are encouraged to consult instructors in each language to determine specific placement.
3 Exceptions:1) ENG 1050 and ASN 2000 will count as a Humanities credit. 2) These individual courses will not fulfill the Humanities requirements in General Education: ENG 1000, 1030, 1010, 2030, 3010; ENL 1990, 2000, 3440, 4900; ENW 2000, 3050, 3960, 3970, 4010, 4900; EUR 4500; PHI 1540, 2330, 2340, 2350, 2360, 3150, 3160, 3240, 3430, 4110, 4120, 4130, 4140, 4150, 4200. (The following PHI will meet the Gen Ed Humanities requirement: PHI 1510 , PHI 1520 , PHI 1600 , PHI 2250 , PHI 2310 , PHI 2380 , PHI 3110 , PHI 3200 , PHI 3260 , 1950, PHI 2950 , PHI 3950 ).
4 Education students seeking K-12 or 7-12 licensure must take MTH 1080 if they have a score of 25 or above on the Math ACT test; otherwise, they must take MTH 1110 (College Algebra) to fulfill state licensure requirements. For K-12 and 7-12 Licensure students, MTH 1110 is approved to meet a General Education requirement for Mathematics for those students who do not qualify to take MTH 1080 .
5 Once a student has matriculated to Belmont, he or she may not take a lower-level Religion course at another institution and transfer this course in as Belmont 3000-level General Education course in Religion. A 3000-level (or above) course in Religion may, however, be taken elsewhere and transferred in for Belmont’s 3000-level Religion requirement after the student has acquired 45 credit hours toward his or her degree.
8 Marching band do not substitute.