Feb 13, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administration and Faculty



Robert C. Fisher, President (2000)

B.S., Henderson State University; 
M.B.A., University of Memphis; 
Ph.D., University of Arkansas

Thomas Burns, Provost (2011)

B.A., Dickinson College; 
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University

Steven T. Lasley, Vice-President for Finance and Operations (1998)

B.S., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; 
M.B.A., University of Georgia

Jason B. Rogers, Vice-President for Administration and University Counsel (1998)

B.A., Baylor University; 
J.D., Vanderbilt University School of Law 
Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania

Susan H. West, Vice President & Chief of Staff (1988)

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; 
M.A., Western Kentucky University; 
Ed.D., George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

Perry Moulds, Vice President for Development and External Relations (2014)

B.A., University of Mississippi
M.A. University of Mississippi
Ph.D. University of Mississippi

Todd L. Lake, Vice President for Spiritual Development (2005)

A.B., Harvard University; 
M.Div., Southern Seminary; 
Ph.D., Boston College

Paula A. Gill, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness (1994)

B.S., Belmont University; 
M.S. The University of Alabama; 
Ed.D. The University of Alabama

Office of the President

Robert C. Fisher, President
Susan H. West, Vice President & Chief of Staff
Sue Heflin, Executive Assistant to the President
Betsy Caffey, Executive Assistant to theVice President & Chief of Staff

Office of the Provost

Thomas Burns, Provost
Kim Carr, Executive Assistant to the Provost
Deborah Hayden, Budget Manager and Analyst Office of the Provost

Office of the Associate Provost

Beverly Schneller, Associate Provost
Jonathan Thorndike, Director of Honors
Robin McCord, Assistant to the Associate Provost
Ernest W. Heard, Director of Library Services
Patricia A. Jacobs, Director of Career and Professional Development 
Mike Pinter, Director of Teaching Center
Bernard Turner, Director of Center for Social Entrepreneurship 
Tim Stewart, Director of Service Learning
David Sneed, Director of Growth and Purpose for Students (GPS)

College Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Bryce F. Sullivan, Dean
Linda Holt, Associate Dean
Lauren Lunsford, Associate Dean 
Chris Millar, Business Manager

B.S., Belmont University

Karen Bennett, Recruitment Coordinator
Michael Hudson, Learning Centers Coordinator

M.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville

School of Education

Mark Hogan, Chair
Alan Coverstone, M.Ed. and M.A.T. and Residency Director
Ann Baldwin, Office Manager
Andrea McClain, Coordinator for Licensure, Graduate Admissions and Recruitment

B.A., M.Ed, Tennessee State University

Teresa Snyder, Practicum and Database Coordinator

Department of Sport Science

Patrick Schneider, Chair
Ted Peetz, Director of Sport Administration Program
Cindy Warner, Administrative Assistant & Adjunct Coordinator

M.Acc., B.S., Belmont University 

School of Humanities

Brenda Hancock, Office Manager
Denise Mabry, Administrative Assistant

Department of English

David Curtis, Chair
Jamie Yeo, Director of English Graduate Program

Department of Foreign Languages

David Julseth, Chair

Department of Philosophy

Mark Anderson, Chair

School of Social Sciences

Karen Bennett, Office Manager
Bonnie Wagonfield, Administrative Assistant

Department of Communication Studies

Mary Vaughn, Chair

Department of History

Brenda Jackson-Abernathy, Chair

Department of Media Studies

Thompson E. Storey, Chair

Department of Political Science

Vaughn May, Chair

Department of Sociology

Shelby Longard, Chair

Department of Public Relations

Bonnie Reichert, Chair

College Sciences and Mathematics

Thom Spence, Dean

Kimberlee Daus, Associate Dean, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Ashley Turner, Office Manager

B.B.A., M.B.E., Middle Tennessee State University

Ray Seely, Laboratory Manager

B.S., Bradley University; M.S., Vanderbilt University

Kim Acree, College of Arts and Sciences Recruiting Coordinator

B.B.A., University of Georgia

Department of Biology

Darlene Panvini, Chair
Terri Templeman, Administrative Assistant

B.A., Cal State Fullerton

Department of Chemistry and Physics

Robert Magruder III, Chair
Laura Lowder, Administrative Assistant

B.A., Michigan State University

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Mary Goodloe, Chair
Susan Headrick, Office Manager

B.S., Belmont College

Department of Psychology

Linda Jones, Chair
Mary Godwin, Office Manager

B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.A., Ohio State University

College of Business Administration

J. Patrick Raines, Dean
Susan M. Hopfensperger, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Technical Support Coordinator,

B.A.S., University of Richmond

Jennie Graves Bowman, Financial Officer

B.A., Emory University; M.S., Vanderbilt University; M.B.A., Belmont University

Undergraduate School of Business Administration

Stan York, Associate Dean
Robert Dillingham, Massey Computer Lab Director
Jocelyn Gutekunst, Recruiting and Co-Curricular Coordinator,

 B.B.A., Belmont University

Linda G. Jenkins, Program Assistant
Jaclyn Kerr, Coordinator, Professional B.B.A. Program

B.B.A., Belmont University

Arthur Lachowicz, Student Services Administrator,

B.B.A., Belmont University

Lori Wood LeBleu, Director of Career Development

B.B.A., University of Kentucky; M.B.A., Miami University

Sarah Reeves, Program Coordinator, Center for Entrepreneurship

B.B.A., Belmont University; M.P.P., Vanderbilt University

Misty Wims, Academic Director, 

B.B.A., Belmont University

The Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business

Joe F. Alexander, Associate Dean and Senior Professor of Performance Excellence
Tonya Hollin, Admissions/Marketing Assistant,

B.B.A., Belmont University

Melissa G. Mitchell, Program Assistant

Mike Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business
 Office of the Dean

Douglas Howard, Dean
Cheryl Slay Carr, Associate Dean
Angela Breedon, Assistant to the Dean

B.S., Belmont University

Kellie Meeks, Administrative Assistant

Academic Administrative Offices

Tina Dishman, Director, Academic Advising

B.B.A., Belmont University; Graduate Studies, Belmont University

Angela Everett, Program Assistant

B.S., Armstrong Atlantic State University

Michelle Ryan, Academic Advisor

B.A., Carson-Newman College; M.A., University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Julie Jackson, Internship Coordinator

B.S., M.Ed. Tennessee State University

Facilities Operations

Lucas Boto, Coordinator of Sound Reinforcement & Live Events

B.B.A., Belmont University

Mike Porter, Facility Manager, 34 Music Square East, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology

B.B.A., Belmont University

Sal Greco, Coordinator of Recording Facility Maintenance, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Undergraduate Studies, Institute of Audio Research
Pat McMakin, Director of Operations Ocean Way Nashville Studio

B.B.A., Belmont University

Billy Wayne Prince, Manager, Robert E. Mulloy Studios, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
A.S.E.E., Massey Technical Institute; Undergraduate Studies, Belmont University

Affiliate Staff & Curb College Representatives

Sarah Cates, University Advancement, Office of Development

B.B.A., M.Ed., Belmont University

Harry Chapman, Director of Development and Major Gifts

B.A., University of Georgia

Ashlyne Huff, Admissions Coordinator

B.A., Belmont University

Ron Romano, Computer Technician

B.B.A., Olivet Nazarene University

Tish M. Stewart, Career Development Specialist

B.B.A., University of Georgia, Graduate Studies, Belmont University

Julie Thomas, Associate Director of Alumni Relations

B.M., M.Ed., Belmont University


Audio Engineering Technology Program
Michael Janas, Chair

B.M.E., University of Kansas; M.Ed., Belmont University

Entertainment Industry Studies Program

David Schreiber, Chair

B.A., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; M.M., University of Miami; Ph.D., University of Wesminster

Motion Pictures Program

Barbara Doyle, Chair

B.A., Framingham State College; Ed.M. Harvard University

Music Business Program

J. Rush Hicks, Chair

B.M, University of Mississippi; J.D., Mercer University

Songwriting Program

James Elliott, Chair

B.A., John Wesley College; M.A., Austin Peay State University

College of Health Sciences

Cathy R. Taylor, Dean
Michelle Ayotte, Assistant to the Dean
Tina Hunt Frost, Operations Director

B.B.A., Memphis State University

Beth Hallmark, Director of College of Health Sciences & Nursing Simulation Center
Bill Nichols, Enrollment Services & Marketing Director

B.A., Eastern Nazarene College; M.A. Emerson College

Kaye Horsfall, Director, Frist Center

B.S.W., University of Kentucky; M.A., Eastern Kentucky University

Department of Social Work

Sabrina Sullenberger, Chair
Patsy Peach, Program Assistant

B.S. Belmont University

School of Nursing

Chris L. Algren, Associate Dean and Executive Director of Partners in Nursing
Martha Buckner, Director of Undergraduate Nursing
Leslie Higgins, Director of Graduate Nursing
Heather Germain, Program Assistant

B.A., Briercrest Bible College

Karen Luter, Academic Support Assistant

B.A., Sonoma State University; B.B.A., Belmont University

School of Occupational Therapy

Lorry Liotta-Kleinfeld, Associate Dean
Christina Twist, Admissions Coordinator

BBA, Belmont University; MAcc, Belmont University

Katie Wray, Program Assistant

School of Physical Therapy

Renee Brown, Chair
Lucy Baltimore, Program Assistant

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Amy Irwin, Academic Support Assistant

B.S., Belmont University

Lucy Davidson, Admissions Assistant

B.S., Webster University

College of Pharmacy

Phil Johnston, Dean
Scott Weston, Associate Dean
Condit Steil, Chair, Pharmacy Practice
Sal Giorgianni, Director, Experiential Education
Erin Wikle, Assistant to the Dean
Ginger Hooper, Program Assistant

B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

College of Visual and Performing Arts

Cynthia R. Curtis, Dean

__, Program Assistant, CVPA Dean’s Office

Sarah Davis, Director of Public Relations/Advancement

B.A., Western Kentucky University

Joan C. Eakin, Administrative Coordinator

B.S., Belmont University

Maren Bishop, Admissions Coordinator

M. Ed., Belmont University, B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Department of Art

Judy Bullington, Chair
Stacey Bryan, Office Manager

School of Music

Madeline S. Bridges, Associate Dean for Academic Studies
Jeffery W. Kirk, , Associate Dean for Applied Studies, 
Kris Elsberry, Director of Graduate Studies
Rusty King, Production and Facilities Manager

B.B.A., Belmont University

Ben Craine, Scheduling Coordinator/Graduate Secretary

B.S., Belmont University,

Sally Dodd, Music Facilities Secretary

B.A., Belmont University

Thom Roberts, Music Facilities Assistant, 
Gina Lackore, Program Assistant

B.M., Belmont University, A.A., North Iowa Area Community College

April Simpkins, Receptionist-Secretary

B.A., Harding University

Department of Theatre and Dance

R. Paul Gatrell, Chair, 
Jerry Stratton, Theatre Facilities Manager/Technical Director
Joann Rosenblum, Office Manager

College of Theology and Christian Ministry

Darrell Gwaltney, Dean
Debbie Jacobs, Assistant to the Dean

B.A., University of Mississippi

Moench Center for Church Leadership

Dr. Darrell Gwaltney, Director

Interdisciplinary Studies and Global Education

Mimi Barnard, Associate Provost
Jennifer Shirley, Administrative Assistant

B.B.A College of William and Mary, M.S. University of Virginia

Interdisciplinary Studies: University College Adult Degree Programs

Sara Gibson, Academic Services Specialist

B.B.A. and M.B.A., Belmont University

Cayce Elliott, PBBA and Student Advising Coordinator

B.S. University of Mississippi; M.Ed., Belmont University

Jennifer Kiev, Marketing Specialist

B.S., Belmont University

Martha Minardi, Assistant Professor and Ministry Program Advisor

B.A., Baylor University; M.Div./RE and Ph.D., Southern Seminary

Valerie Nichols, Program Manager

B.S. and M.A., Eastern Nazarene College

Kim Powell, Enrollment Services Specialist

B.B.A., Belmont University

Leigh Hitchcock , Student Services Coordinator

B.A., University of Richmond; M.Div., Southern Seminary

Asian Studies

Ronnie Littlejohn

Office of International Student and Scholar Services Office of Study Abroad

Shelley M. Jewell, Director

B.A., Emory University; M.Ed., Peabody College at Vanderbilt University

Janet Braun, Student Advisor and Operations Manager

B.S., University of Alabama; M.S., University of Memphis

Hayley Reed, Budget Manager

B.S., Eastern Illinois University

General Education Program

Alison Moore, Director

Honors Program

Jonathan Thorndyke, Director

Library Services

____________, Director of Library Services
Deborah Bilbra, Assistant Circulation Supervisor for Evening/Weekend Services

B.A., University of the State of New York

E. Paige Carter, Interlibrary Loans Specialist

B.A., Belmont University

Zachary Fischer, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian
Courtney Fuson, Electronic & Educational Resources Librarian
Karen P. Hargrove, Office Manager

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Chuck Hodgin, Systems Support Librarian
Allison Kee, Assistant Collection Management Supervisor for Serials

B.S., Belmont University

Jennifer MacLean, Assistant Supervisor of the Listening/Viewing Center for Day Services

B.M., University of Alabama

Sue Maszaros, Unit Head for Library Systems and Collection Management
Aubrey Brook McGinnis, Assistant Supervisor of the Listening/Viewing Center for Night/Weekend Services

B.S., University of Mobile; M.M. Belmont University

Jenny Rushing Mills, Research and Instruction Librarian and Coordinator of Research Services 
Sylvia D. Morris, Assistant Circulation Supervisor for Day Services
Laura Price, Assistant Collection Management Supervisor for Acquisitions

B.A., University of Alabama

Lina Sheahan, Music Librarian
Claire Wiley, Research and Instruction Librarian
Vance Joel Wilson, Circulation Manager

A.A., Pensacola Junior College; B.A., University of West Florida

Judith Williams, Research and Instruction Librarian

Office of Assessment and Institutional Research

Mary Lucus, Director of Institutional Research

B.A., University of Kentucky; M.Ed., Belmont University

Patricia White, Director of Business Intelligence and Data Management 
Carol Smith, Assessment Coordinator
Jennifer Ervin, Systems Coordinator

Teaching Center

Mike Pinter, Director
Nanci Alsup, Program Assistant

Office of the Registrar and Academic Records

Steven H. Reed, University Registrar

B.A., Western Kentucky University; M.Div., Lexington Theological Seminary; M.Ed., Belmont University; D.Min., Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

La Kiesha Armstrong, Associate Registrar/VA Coordinator

B.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; M.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University

Ginger Bossier, Associate Registrar

B.A., Willamette University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Patricia Chaffin, Assistant Registrar

B.B.A., Belmont University; M.B.A., Belmont University; M.Ed., Belmont University, 
Ed.D. Trevecca Nazarene University

Adam T’Koy, Registrar Specialist

B.S., DePaul University

Linda Mullins,Veteran Affairs Education Counselor

B.S., Belmont University

Shelly L. Paul, TELS, Transfer Tracking Coordinator

B.A., Gordon College; M.Div., Bethel Theological Seminary; Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary; M.Phil., King’s College, University of Aberdeen

Elena Sokol, Office Manager

B.A., Fordham University

Misty Wellman, Academic Audit Analyst, A.S., Indiana Vocational Technical College; B.S., Belmont University;

M.A., Belmont University

Enrollment Services

David Mee, Associate Provost and Dean of Enrollment

B.A., Houghton College; M.S., Indiana Wesleyan University

Teresa Elder, Assistant to the Dean
Rachel Leddy, Assistant Director of Enrollment Marketing

B.F.A., Belmont University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Bill Nichols, Associate Director of Graduate Admissions for the College of Health Sciences and Nursing and the College of Pharmacy

B.A., Eastern Nazarene College; M.A. Emerson College

Amy Hodge, Graduate Admissions Coordinator for the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and College of Visual and Performing Arts

B.M., Central Methodist University

Office of Admissions

Brooke Brannin, Director of University Admissions

B.B.A., Texas Christian University; M.B.A., University of Dallas

Mary Byars, Assistant Director of Admissions

B.S., Belmont University

J. Ted Gray, Transfer Admissions Counselor

B.S., Austin Peay State University

Michael Waters, Associate Director of Admissions 

B.A., Furman University; M.S., Georgia State University

Amanda Gill, Admissions Event Coordinator 

B.B.A., Belmont University

Kimberly Agee, Data Enrollment Coordinator

B.S., University of Tennessee

Meghan Westbury, Admission Guest Coordinator

B.S. Auburn University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Pamela Howell, Call Center Manager

B.S., Belmont University

John Palmer Rea, Admissions Counselor

B.S., Belmont University

Jim Poole, Assistant Director of Admissions

B.S., Belmont College; M.A., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., University of Mobile

Steven Martin, Assistant Director of Admissions

B.B.A., Belmont University; M.ACC, Belmont University

Taylor Dillion, Admissions Counselor

B.B.A., Belmont University; M.Ed, University of South Carolina

Maren Bishop, Admissions Coordinator for College of Visual and Performing Arts

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University ; M. Ed., Belmont University

Keith Davis, Admissions Coordinator for College of Health Sciences and Nursing

B.S., Grove City College

Ashlyne Huff, Admissions Coordinator for Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business

B.B.A., Belmont University

Amy Southard, Admissions Coordinator for Jack C. Massey College of Business

B.A., Elon University; M.B.A., Belmont University

Angela Shedd, Director of Admissions Operations

B.S. Belmont University

Rachel Rogers, Data Enrollment Coordinator
Tina Hust, Data Enrollment Coordinator

Office of Student Financial Services

Patricia Smedley, Director of Student Financial Services

B.S., Western Michigan University, M.Ed., Belmont University

Charles Harper, Director of Financial Aid, Associate Director of Student Financial Services

B.S., Belmont University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Carrie Northington, Assistant Director of Financial Aid

B.A., Austin Peay State University

Jennifer Bussell, Assistant Director of Student Accounts

B.A., Harding University; M.B.A., Harding University

Katie Ashley, Study Abroad/Third Party Billing Counselor

B.S., University of Tennessee; M.Ed., Belmont University

Carrie Mendoza, Reconciliation Specialist

B.S., University of Phoenix; M.B.A., University of Phoenix

Ashley Frisbie, Information Specialist

B.A., Belmont University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Helen Bond, Scholarship Counselor

B.S., Belmont University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Derek McIntosh, Collections Supervisor

B.S., Purdue University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Amber Odom, Verification Counselor

B.A., University of Memphis; M.A., Trevecca Nazarene University

Kim Tennyson, Loan Counselor
Brian Turner, Perkins and Institutional Loan Counselor

B.S., Fisk University

Valez Thornton, Work-Study Counselor

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Melanie Herring, Administrative Assistant

A.A. Sandhills Community College

Belmont Central

Reginald Edwards, Student Services Coordinator

B.S., Alabama A&M University

Jasmine Hunter, Student Services Coordinator

B.S.W., Belmont University; M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee

Wesley Notestine, Student Services Coordinator

B.A., University of Mississippi

Office of Student Affairs

Katherine B. Wilson Dean of Students

B.S.N., M.S.N., M.B.A., Vanderbilt University

Neil Jamerson, Assistant Dean of Students

B.S., University North Carolina - Asheville; M.Ed., Vanderbilt University; Juris Doctorate, University of Tennessee-College of Law

Angie Bryant, Assistant Dean of Students -Director of Fitness & Recreation

B.S., Belmont University; M.S., Middle Tennessee State University

__________, Director of Health Services

Peg Leonard-Martin, Director of Counseling Services

B.A, Maryville College; M.Div., Vanderbilt Divinity School; MSSW, University of Tennessee School of Social Work, Clinical Licensure State of Tennessee

Georgia Alexander, Assistant Director of Counseling

B.A., Tennessee State University; M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee School of Social Work, Clinical Licensure State of Tennessee

Melissa Smith, Director of Disability Services

B.A., University of TN, Knoxville; M.Ed. University of TN, Knoxville

Ben Lion, Director of New Student & Parent Programs

B.A., Calvin College; M.Ed., Azusa Pacific University

Kevin Reynolds, Assistant Director of Student Activities

B.A, Northern Kentucky University; M.S., Illinois State University

Sara Stacy, Assistant Director of Student Activities

B.S. and M.S., University of Tennessee

Jamie Zeller, Director of Fitness & Recreation

B.S., Western Kentucky University; M.S., Western Kentucky University

Vanessa Tucker, Assistant to the Associate Provost (Student Affairs)

Office of Residence Life

Anthony Donovan, Assistant Dean of Students

B.A. Berea College; M.A. Eastern Kentucky University

Jamie Shaffer, Assistant Director of Residence Life

B.A. Vanderbilt University; M.Ed. Vanderbilt University

Rebekah Stewart, Assistant Director of Residence Life

B.A. Eastern Kentucky University; M.Ed. Middle Tennessee State University

Monica Gibbs, Office Manager

B.M. Belmont University; M.M. Belmont University

Amber Wing, Billing & Assignments Assistant

B.S. Elmira College; M.S. Elmira College

Elizabeth Grubb, Heron Hall Residence Director

B.A. Grove City College; M.Ed. Geneva College

Caleb Bridges, Pembroke Hall Residence Director

B.A. University of South Alabama; M.A. Mississippi State University

Nathan Hendrix, Hail Hall Residence Director

B.S. University of North Alabama; M.Ed. University of West Florida

Matthew Parnell, Patton/Bear House Residence Director

B.A. Valdosta State University; M.Ed. Valdosta State University

Danielle Steffa, Potter Hall Residence Director

B.A. Carthage College; M.S. Eastern Illinois University

Melanie Vincent, Wright Hall Residence Director

B.A. The University of Findlay; M.A. Bowling Green State University

Jonathan Clem, Maddox Hall Residence Director

B.A. Azusa Pacific University; M.S. Azusa Pacific University

Nicole Phillips, Kennedy Hall Residence Director

B.A., Belmont University

Stephanie Matias, Thrailkill Hall Residence Director

B.C.S. Ohio University; M.Ed. Ohio University

Shanna Carmack, Russell Hall Residence Director

B.S. King College; M.A. University of Mississippi

Kimberly Kolk, Horrell Hall & Bruin Hills Residence Director

B. S. Florida Southern College; M.S. Florida State University

Sarah Norton, Dickens Hall Residence Director

B.S. Belmont University; M.Ed. Middle Tennessee State University

Lesley Brumfield, Lower Hillside Residence Director

B.A. University of Southern Mississippi; M. S. Texas A&M University

Shandus Parish, Upper Hillside Residence Director

B.S. Belmont University; M.A. Bowling Green State University

Hannah Aschliman, Belmont Commons Residence Director

B.B.A. Belmont University; B.A. Belmont University

Office of Finance and Operations

Steven T. Lasley, Vice President
Suzanne Clement, Executive Assistant

Finance and Accounting Office

David Runyan, University Controller
Cathy Beahan, Budget Services and Reporting Coordinator
Sharon Boyce, Funds Accountant
Erica Free, Accounts Payable/Payroll Coordinator Assistant
Marsha Glover, Payroll Coordinator
Kelly Kane, Cash Management Coordinator
John Malone, Assistant Controller
Sandra Sanders, Electronic Payments and Document Control Coordinator
Cosonya Stephens, Budget Analyst

Administrative Technology

Jill B. Freeman, Director
B.S., Western Kentucky University
Greg Bagwell, Database Administrator
B.S., Austin Peay State University
Beth Brewster, Programmer Analyst
Kevin S. McClung, Database Administrator
B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; M.A., University of Memphis
Kelly Moreland Jones, Instructional Technology Coordinator
B.A., Belmont University; M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
John W. Moore, Senior Systems Analyst
A.A., Christopher Newport College; B.S., Old Dominion University;
M.A., Morehead State University; Ph.D., George Peabody College
Elizabeth Rogers, Systems Analyst
B.A., Baylor University

Technology Services

Randall C. Reynolds, Director
B.S., Berea College; M.S., Lesley College
Michael Davis, Library Software Specialist/Instructional Support
B.S., Vanderbilt University; M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee
Byron Marsh, Sr. Web Systems Programmer/Analyst
Bob Teeple, Systems Support Specialist

Network Services

Randy Capps, Networking Services Manager
Chris Baga, Security Systems Technician
Dave Elder, Network Technician
Andrew Kee, IT Network Engineer
Jonathan Willms, Network Services Technician


Gary Hunter, Telecommunications Services Manager
James C. Early, Telecommunications Customer Service Coordinator

User Services

Millicent Marshall, Director
Jeff Brummitt, Student Service Computer Administrator
Steve Bunner, A/V Computer Technician
Shawn Callis, Technology Coordinator-Special Projects
Bernard Clemmons, Computer Technician
Michael Elder, Computer Technician,
Brandes Holcomb, Computer Technician
David Powell, Computer Technician
Ron Romano, Computer Technician

Facilities Management Services

Henry Lacher, Director
Lee Fessler, Administrative Assistant
Mark Grones, Assistant Director and University Engineer
Jan Mahone, Office Manager
Jennifer Strange, Administrative Assistant

Custodial Services

Sandra Kay Haynes, Manager
Marlon Ardon, Supervisor
Alvin Bell, Supervisor
Robert Graham, Supervisor
Kenneth Jackson, Supervisor
Claudia Rosales, Supervisor

Landscaping and Grounds

Mary Elizabeth Weber, Manager
B.S., University of Tennessee

Maintenance Services

Kenneth Wayne Duncan, Manager

Office of the President

Dr. Susan West, Vice President and Chief of Staff
Betsy Caffey, Executive Assistant


Mike Strickland, Athletics Director
B.S., Georgia Southern University; M.P.A., University of Georgia
Brian Ayers, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
B.S., David Lipscomb University; M.S., Austin Peay State University
Matthew Barnett, Assistant Baseball Coach
B.S., University of Tennessee at Martin; M.S., Morehead State University
J. Steven Barrick, Associate Athletics Director
B.A., M.S., Western Kentucky University
Julie Beazley, Program Assistant
Lissa Bradford, Head Women’s Golf Coach
B.S., University of Alabama
Wes Burtner, Director of Athletic Fundraising
Richard F. Byrd, Head Men’s Basketball Coach
B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee
Mark Carr, Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach
Ashley Casavant, Assistant Cross Country Coach
Debbie Chenoweth, Director of Basketball Operations
Heather Copeland, Assistant Director for Compliance
B.S., Samford University; M.A.; University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sean Costello, Assistant Coach, Women’s Basketball
Lauren Eads, Associate Athletic Director/Senior Woman Administrator
David Fish, Assistant Director of Athletic Marketing
Scott Flynn, Men’s Golf Coach
Travis Fravel, Assistant Coach Women’s Soccer
James Frush, Director of Athletics Marketing
Joe Frye, Assistant Coach
Fred, Gillum, Assistant Softball Coach
Bryan Green, Head Coach Men’s Soccer
Cameron Harvey, Assistant Coach Women’s Track and Field
Heather Henson, Head Coach Women’s Soccer
Tyler Holloway, Operations Assistant
Jordan Holm, Coordinator of Academic Services and Sports Ministry
Tony Howell, Assistant Volleyball Coach
B.S., University of North Texas
David L. Jarvis, Head Baseball Coach
B.S.E., M.S.E., Arkansas State University
Colette Keyser, Assistant Director of Compliance - Academic Support Services
B.A., Kentucky Wesleyan College, M.A., Western Kentucky University
Chris Kuhlmeyer, Head Softball Coach
Carley Kuhns, Assistant Coach Women’s Basketball/Travel Coordinator
Kristen Lambertson, Assistant Coach Softball
Jeffrey S. Langdon, Head Men’s Cross Country Coach/Track Coach
B.B.A., Belmont College
John Langdon, Assistant Compliance Director
B.A., Rhodes College; M.S., University of Memphis
Lindy Larocque, Assistant Coach Women’s Basketball
Jim Madrigal, Head Men’s Tennis Coach
Paul Malloy, Assistant Trainer
B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., University of Pittsburgh
Amy Bond McGinnis, Program Assistant
B.A., Belmont University
Travis Morris, Assistant Soccer Coach
Ashley Neff, Assistant Coach Women’s Basketball
Cameron Newbauer, Head Coach Women’s Basketball
Mark Price, Assistant Coach Men’s Basketball
Kenisha Rhone, Assistant Director of Media Relations
B.A., Indiana University
Lee Rowland, Head Coach Strength and Conditioning
Greg Sage, Assistant Athletic Director Broadcasting and Media Relations
B.A., Wake Forest University; M.S., Syracuse University
Sean Sawyer, Assistant Director for Sales and Sponsorships for Athletics
John Schmidt, Assistant Volleyball Coach
Renee Schultz, Assistant Athletic Director of Student Services,
Aaron Smith, Assistant Coach Basketball
Mark Srouji, Head Women’s Tennis Coach
B.A., M.S., Belmont University
James Strong, Assistant Coach Men’s Basketball
Lindsey Tonkin, Cheerleading Coach
B.A., University of Alabama

Auxiliary Services

Keith Chapman, Director

Campus Store

Catherine Murphy, Director
B.B.A Belmont University
Jordan Gwaltney, Customer Service/Website Specialist
Dan Kreglo, Customer Service Associate
Liz Nelson, Cashier
Sherry Pendley, Associate Manager, Non-Book/Supplies/Software
B.S. Western Kentucky University 
Matt Reno, Assistant Manager/Textbook Manager
B.B.A.. Belmont University

Event Services

Andrea Runner, Director
Stephanie Bettig, Production/Facilities manager
Sarah Brown, Event Manager
Michelle Campanis, Event Coordinator
Kelli Davis, University Scheduling Manager
Aaron Jermone, Director of Business Operations
Jim Raver, Event Operations Manager
Shane Smith, Event Operations Technician
Dylan Summervill, Event Services Technician
Joshua Sundholm, Event Manager
Lindsay Vrabic, Event Operations Technician

Mail Services

Veronica L. Smith, Manager
Byron Barnett, Delivery Associate
Benjamin Mills, Delivery Associate
Kristina Paule, Delivery Associate

Office of Development and External Relations

Dr. Perry Moulds, Vice President
Carrie Cook, Executive Assistant
Darcy North, Senior University Events Coordinator

Office of Alumni Relations

Debbie Coppinger, Senior Director
B.S., Auburn University
Elizabeth Edwards, Office Manager
Julie Thomas, Associate Director
Adam York, Director of Young Alumni

Advancement Services

John Hostler, Director
Katie Welsh, Gift Processing and Records Coordinator

Office of Communications

Gregory S. Pillon, Director of Communications

B.A., Tennessee Technological University; B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Misty Biggers, Budget/Office Manager

B.A., Middle Tennessee State University

Eric Burford, Copy Center Manager
Hope Buckner, Communications Specialist
Andrea Hallgren, University Photographer
April Hefner, Assistant Director of Communications

B.S., James Madison University; M.A., Belmont University

David Rich, Copy Center Associate

B.S., East Tennessee State University

University Marketing and Public Relations

John Carney, Senior Director
Lougan Bishop, Social Media and Web Marketing Specialist

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Jon Blankenship, Web and Marketing Developer

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Hilary Borden, Graphic Designer
Nicole Childress, Senior Graphic Designer

Glenda S. Dahlhauser, Graphic Designer

B.A., Western Kentucky University

Molly Jarabica, Marketing Coordinator
Ashley Rain, Web Designer/Developer
Natalie Smith, Graphic Designer

B.F.A., Belmont University

Office of Administration and University Counsel

Jason B. Rogers, Vice-President
Alison Letcher, Executive Assistant/Staff Counsel

Office of Risk Management and Compliance

April Khoury, Director
Michael Hooper, Compliance and Insurance Specialist

Office of Campus Security

Pat Cunningham, Director
Ron Baggett, Sergeant 3rd Shift
Liz Grubb, Coordinator of Security Programs
Mark Labbe, Captain 3rd Shift
Stephen McDowell, Sergeant 1st Shift
Louis Mills, Captain 1st Shift
Maria Pena, Sergeant 2nd Shift
Michael Pruitt, Assistant Chief
Melvin Leon Reed, Captain 2nd Shift
Robert Rusciano, Sergeant 2nd Shift
Michael Simpson, Administrative Captain

Special Consultant to the President

W. Fred Kendall, II

Belmont University Centers

Center for Family Business

Lindsey Trella, Acting Director

Scarlett Leadership Institute

Gerald W. Brase, Executive Director

B.S., George Mason University

Mary D. Fink, Director of Leadership Program Development

B.A., College of William and Mary, Master of Hospital Administration Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University

Jill Robinson, Director of Executive Learning Networks

B.S., Samford University, M.A. in Organizational Management and MBA, Trevecca Nazarene University

Vicki Allen, Operations Manager

B.S., University of North Alabama

Amy Irwin, Administrative Assistant
Liesl Dromi, Administrative Assistant

Frist Center

Kaye Horsfall, Executive Director

B.S.W., University of Kentucky; M.A., Eastern Kentucky University

Moench Center for Church Leadership

Lloyd Elder, Director
Joyce Byrd, Associate Director

Office of Spiritual Development

Todd L. Lake, Vice-President
Benita J. Walker, CPS, Executive Assistant

Office of University Ministries

Guy Chmieleski, University Minister
B.A., Bethel University; M.A., Palm Beach Atlantic University; D.Min., George Fox Evangelical Seminary
Christy Ridings, Associate University Minister
B.S., Belmont University

Special Consultant to the President

W. Fred Kendall, II

Belmont University Centers

Center for Family Business

Lindsey Trella, Acting Director

Center for Professional Development

Angela S. Breedon, Program Specialist
Martha Kelley, Director of Executive Learning Networks
B.S., M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
Kim Powell, Associate Director
B.B.A., Belmont University
Janice L. Woodard, Customized Corporate Training

Frist Center

Kaye Horsfall, Executive Director
B.S.W., University of Kentucky; M.A., Eastern Kentucky University

Moench Center for Church Leadership

Lloyd Elder, Director
Joyce Byrd, Associate Director

Library Services

Ernest W. Heard, Jr., Director of Library Services
Grover C. Baker, III, Music/Education Assistant
B.M., Belmont University; M.C.M., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
E. Paige Carter, Reader Services Assistant
B.A., Belmont University
James Clark, Reader Services/Technical Services Assistant
B.A., Vanderbilt University
Jenny Cole, Reference Librarian
Mildred Ann Edgin, Assistant Technical Services Supervisor for Cataloging
A.A.S., Volunteer State Community College; B.S.Ed., Austin Peay State University
Timothy James Gmeiner, Music Librarian
Barbara Goss, Technical Services Librarian
Karen P. Hargrove, Office Manager
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University
Sylvia D. Morris, Assistant Circulation Supervisor for Day Services
Risa Ramage Robinson, Electronic & Educational Resources Librarian
Susan E. West, Assistant Technical Services Supervisor of Acquisitions
B.A., Middle Tennessee State University
Rebecca N. Williams, Periodicals/Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Vance Joel Wilson, Circulation Manager
A.A., Pensacola Junior College; B.A., University of West Florida

Office of Institutional Research

Roy D. “Ike” Ikenberry, Director
B.S., Eastern New Mexico University; M.S., Texas Technological University; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Rasmussen Studies Abroad Program

John H.E. Paine, Director

Teaching Center

Merrie King, Director
Nanci Alsup, Program Assistant

Enrollment Services

Teresa Elder, Assistant to the Dean

Belmont Central

Helen Bond, Student Services Coordinator
Eric Simpson, Student Coordinator
B.B.A., Belmont University
Nicole Mullin, Student Coordinator
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Office of Admissions

Anne Edmunds, Director of Undergraduate Admissions

B.A., Vanderbilt University; M.Ed., Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

Mary Byars, Assistant Director

B.S., Belmont University

J. Ted Gray, Transfer Enrollment Services Counselor,

B.S., Austin Peay State University

Christian Panneck, Transfer Enrollment Services Counselor

B.A., Vanderbilt University; M.Ed., Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

Michael Waters, Assistant Director

B.A., Furman University; M.S., Georgia State University

Rachel Bolton, Enrollment Services Counselor

B.S., University of Missouri

Lisa Malone, Director of Enrollment Services Information Systems

B.S., Belmont University

Sara Olson, Special Projects Coordinator

B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

Lougan Bishop, Information Systems Asst./Web Specialist

B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

Pamela Howell, Call Center Manager
Donald Watson, Enrollment Services Counselor

B.S., Lambuth University

Jim Poole, Assistant Director

B.S., Belmont College; M.A., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., University of Mobile

Angela Shedd, Associate Director Admissions, Director of Admissions Processing

B.S., Belmont University

Rachel Rogers, Data Enrollment Coordinator
Teresa Geuy, Data Enrollment Coordinator
Freida Sage, Campus Visit Coordinator
Meghan Westbury, Campus Visit Coordinator

B.A. Auburn University

Laura Merkle, Graduate Programs Enrollment Assistant

B.A. Lynchburg College; M.Ed. Lynchburg College

Office of Student Financial Services

Patricia Smedley, Director of Student Financial Services
B.S., Western Michigan University
M.Ed., Belmont University

Charles Harper, Director of Financial Aid
B.S., Belmont University

Helen Bond, Scholarship Counselor
B.S., Belmont University

Samantha Rogers, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
 B.S., M.S., Tennessee State University

Edward Allen, Collections Supervisor
B.S., University of Baltimore

Jennifer Bussell, Assistant Director of Student Accounts
B.A., M.B.A. Harding University

Valez Thornton, Student Services Coordinator
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Prentice Poole, Student Services Coordinator
B.S., University of Alabama

Brandon Mitchell, Student Services Coordinator
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Hilda Enriquez, Third Party/Study Abroad Counselor
B.S., California State University Northridge

Carrie Northington, Loan Counselor
B.A., Austin Peay

Jimmy Morris, Information Specialist
B.S., Lipscomb University

Brian Turner, Verification Counselor
B.S., Fisk University

Tria Jamison, Work-Study Counselor
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University, M.B.A., Lipscomb University/Keller Graduate School

Shelly Higdon, Secretary/Receptionist
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Office of Student Affairs

Dane C. Anthony, Associate Dean of Students
B.S., Southwest Missouri State University;
M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Amanda Dunivan, Coordinator of Student Organizations and Greek Life
B.S., Florida Southern College; M.S., Florida State University
Angie Bryant, Director of the Beaman Student Life Center
B.S., Belmont University; M.S., Middle Tennessee State University
Mark A. Bryant, Associate Dean of Students
B.A., Baylor University; M.S., Florida State University
Elysia Sandlin, Coordinator of the Convocation and Special Programs
B.S., Austin Peay State University; M.A., Appalachian State University
Tammye Cripps Tanksley, Director of Disability Support
B.S., Belmont College; M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
Katherine B. Wilson, Director of Health Services
M.S.N., M.B.A., Vanderbilt University
Jamie Zeller, Assistant Director of the Beaman Student Life Center,
B.S., Western Kentucky University; M.S., Western Kentucky University

Office of Residence Life

Anthony Donovan, Director of Residence Life
B.A., Berea College; M.A. Eastern Kentucky University
Amy Hodge, Residence Director
B.Mu.Ed., Central Methodist College
Tana Hoffman, Secretary
B.S., Campbell University

Office of Athletics

Mike Strickland, Athletics Director
B.S., Georgia Southern University; M.P.A., University of Georgia

Patricia Chaffin, NCAA Certification Specialist
B.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; M.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University
Brian Ayers, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
B.S., David Lipscomb University; M.S., Austin Peay State University
Matthew Barnett, Assistant Baseball Coach
B.S., University of Tennessee at Martin; M.S., Morehead State University
J. Steven Barrick, Associate Athletics Director
B.A., M.S., Western Kentucky University
Julie Beazley, Program Assistant
Scott Bennett, Assistant Men’s Cross Country/Track Coach
B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College
Lissa Bradford, Head Women’s Golf Coach
B.S., University of Alabama
Donna Brown, Associate Head Coach, Women’s Basketball
B.S., M.A., Mississippi State University
Kelly Buckles, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
B.A., University of Louisville
Richard F. Byrd, Head Men’s Basketball Coach
B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee
Heather Copeland, Assistant Director for Compliance
B.S., Samford University; M.A.; University of Alabama at Birmingham
Brian Costello, Head Men’s Golf Coach
B.S., Ferris State University
Anthony G. Cross, Women’s Head Basketball Coach
B.S., Belmont College; M.S., University of Tennessee
Earle Davidson, Head Men’s Soccer Coach
B.S., Peabody College of Vanderbilt
Ben Fisher, Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach
B.A., Belmont University
Wendy Holleman, Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach
B.S., Jacksonville State University
Lisa Howe, Head Women’s Soccer Coach
B.S., Barry University; M.B.A., Jacksonville State University
Tony Howell, Assistant Volleyball Coach
B.S., University of North Texas
Roger Idstrom, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
B.A., Mars Hill College
David L. Jarvis, Head Baseball Coach
B.S.E., M.S.E., Arkansas State University
Colette Keyser, Assistant Director of Compliance - Academic Support Services
B.A., Kentucky Wesleyan College, M.A., Western Kentucky University
Jehan Khan, Bruin Club Program Assistant
B.S., Belmont University
Scott Kirchmann, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
B.S., University of Nebraska at Kearney; M.P.E., Idaho State University
Jeffrey S. Langdon, Head Men’s Cross Country Coach/Track Coach
B.B.A., Belmont College
John Langdon, Media Relations/Operations Assistant
B.A., Rhodes College; M.S., University of Memphis
Tim Lee, Assistant Athletic Trainer
B.A., Cedarville University, M.S., Ohio University
Jim Madrigal, Head Men’s Tennis Coach
Paul Malloy, Head Athletic Trainer
B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., University of Pittsburgh
Amy Bond McGinnis, Budget Officer
B.A., Belmont University
Erin Moore, Assistant Athletic Trainer
B.S., University of Georgia; M.Ed., Belmont University
Kenisha Rhone, Assistant Director of Media Relations
B.A., Indiana University
Renee Rice, Academic Coordinator
B.S., M.Ed., Belmont University
Jon Riley, Assistant Women’s Track and Field Coach
B.S., M.A., Southeast Missouri State University
Clyde Russell, Director of the Bruin Club
B.A., Vanderbilt University
Greg Sage, Director of Media Relations
B.A., Wake Forest University; M.S., Syracuse University
Danielle Santangelo, Assistant Athletic Trainer
B.S., Duquesne University; M.S., University of North Carolina
Seth Sheridan, Head Women’s Cross Country/Track Coach
B.S., Belmont University; M.S., Austin Peay State University
Kenneth B. Sidwell, Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance
B.S., Tennessee Technological University; M.A., Western Kentucky University; Ed.S., George Peabody College
Mark Srouji, Head Women’s Tennis Coach
B.A., M.S., Belmont University
Beth Stark, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
B.A., David Lipscomb University
Jason Stein, Assistant Baseball Coach
B.S., M.S., Eastern Kentucky University
Lindsey Tonkin, Cheerleading Coach
B.A., University of Alabama
Rich Tiner, Faculty Athletics Representative
B.S., Gulf-Coast Bible College; M.S., Eastern Washington University
Bari Watson, Director of Marketing
B.A., M.A., University of Alabama
Don Watson, Interim Head Softball Coach
B.S., Lambuth University
Joyce Watson, Budget Assistant
Deane Webb, Head Volleyball Coach
B.S., University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; M.S., University of North Texas
Betty Wiseman, Assistant Athletics Director/Senior Woman Administrator
B.A., Belmont University; M.A., George Peabody College

Office of Finance and Operations

Steven T. Lasley, Vice President
Sharon Hiett, Administrative Assistant

Auxiliary Services

Don Charles Purdy, Director
B.S.E, Ouachita Baptist University; M.S.E., North Texas State University
M. Frances Johnson, Supervisor, Gabhart Student Center

University Bookstore

Jo Ellen Hunter, Bookstore Manager
B.S., Tennessee Technological University
Matt Reno, Assistant Manager
B.B.A.. Belmont University
Catherine Murphy, Associate Manager
B.B.A Belmont University
Sherry Pendley, Customer Service
B.S. Western Kentucky University
Sally Mann, Associate Manager
B.A. Belmont University
Lauren Garner, Associate Manager
B.B.A. Belmont University
Shirley Lature, Customer Service
Connie McMahon, Customer Service

Conference Services

Melissa Jenkins, Conference Services Manager
Alphonso Baugh, Set-up Leader
Chris Knight, Set-up Assistant

Finance and Accounting Office

Cathy Beahan, Budget Services and Reporting Coordinator
Sue Curl, Accountant
B.B.A., Belmont College, C.P.A.
Vance R. Harris, Cash Management & Fixed Assets Coordinator
Kelly Kane, Electronic Payments and Document Control
Robert A. McDonald, Customer Service & Document Control Coordinator
Jean Palmer, Administrative Coordinator
Sandra Sanders, Payroll Coordinator

Information Technology Services Administrative Computing

Jill B. Freeman, Director
B.S., Western Kentucky University
Greg Bagwell, Database Administrator
B.S., Austin Peay State University
Carole H. Clark, Systems Analyst
B.S., M.A., George Peabody College
Kevin S. McClung, Database Administrator
B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; M.A., University of Memphis
Kelly Moreland Jones, Instructional Technology Coordinator
B.A., Belmont University; M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
John W. Moore, Senior Systems Analyst
A.A., Christopher Newport College; B.S., Old Dominion University;
M.A., Morehead State University; Ph.D., George Peabody College
Elizabeth Rogers, Systems Analyst
B.A., Baylor University

Technology Services

Randall C. Reynolds, Director

B.S., Berea College; M.S., Lesley College

Randy Capps, Networking Services Manager
Paul Chenoweth, Web Services Manager

B. Architecture, Auburn University; M.Ed., Belmont University

Michael Davis, Instructional Computing Coordinator

B.S., Vanderbilt University; M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee

James C. Early, Telecommunications Services Manager
Dave Elder, Network Technician
Gary Hunter, Telecommunications Technician
Byron Marsh, Senior Web Systems Programmer/Analyst

B.B.A., Belmont University

Bob Teeple, Systems Analyst

B.S. East Tennessee State University

User Services

Millicent Marshall, Director
Shawna Butler, Sales Manager
Shawn Clark, User Support Specialist
Robert Dillingham, Lab Technician
Margie Gamble, Computer Center Coordinator
David Powell, Computer Technician

Plant Operations

Fred L. Thompson, Director of Plant Operations
Jan Mahone, Office Manager
Bessie Lee Fessler, Secretary

Custodial Services

Patricia Rickman, Manager
Sandra Kay Haynes, Housekeeping Supervisor
Thomas Modrall, Housekeeping Supervisor

Maureen Barrett
Angelia Crutcher
Ronald French
Paula Gati
Anthony Halsey
John Le
Jerry B. Lewis
Sandra Lopez
Maria Martin
Duoc Nguyen
Jan Patton
Eugene Ransom
Roosevelt Roper
Ira Shaw
Sharon Southall
Troy Weaver 
Amanda Covington
Roscoe Fishback
BinQuan Gan
Richard Hadden
Thi La
Nancy Le
Edwin A. Lockridge
Brenda Martin
Ella McLaurin
Arlene Parrish
Lucille Quinn
Thomas Roach
Charles Seay
Lonnie Smart
Gwendolyn Talley
Gloria Webster

Landscape and Grounds

Mary Elizabeth Weber, Manager
B.S., University of Tennessee
Michelle Campanis
Christopher M. Herrington
Ricky Miles
Antowan Nesby
Ben R. Russell
Lee Stuart
Maintenance Services
Kenneth Wayne Duncan, Manager

Craig Patrick Alspaugh
Hubert Wayne Duncan
Mark Heath
Joe Keeler
James E. Laster
Tommy Moran
William Earl West
Arthur Davis
William M. Fessler
Rayburn Jones
Tim Kelton
Charles B. Lowe
Paul Thompson
Steve Wilton

Office of Human Resources

Sally McKay, SPHR Director
B.S., Marshall University; M.B.A., Belmont University
Stephanie Babb, Human Resources Assistant
B.A., Trevecca University
Deborah Nunn, Director of Organizational Development
B.A., Trevecca University; M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University, Ed.D.,Trevecca University
Susan Saunders, SPHR Assistant Director
B.S., Belmont University

Office of University Advancement

Bethel E. Thomas Jr., Vice President
Benita Walker, Executive Assistant

Office of Alumni Relations

Debbie Coppinger, Director
B.S., Auburn University
Joyce Rickman, Assistant Director
Susan Shipley, Program Assistant
B.S., Carson-Newman College

Office of Development

Clyde Ingals, Associate Vice President - Director of Development
B.B.A., Georgia State University
Victoria Smith Tarleton, CFRE, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving
B.S., Lindenwood College
Clyde M. Russell, Director, Bruin Club
B.A., Vanderbilt University
Tiffany Preti, Program Assistant, Bruin Club
B.B.A., Belmont University
Elizabeth Nolte, Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship
B.B.A., Belmont University, M.Ed., Vanderbilt University
Lisa Schlachter, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
B.S., University of Louisiana, M.Ed., Vanderbilt University
Iris R. Ramey, Director of Parents Program
B.A., Virginia State University, M.A., Hunter College
Laura J. Amaral, Annual Giving
B.S., Eastern Illlinois University
Cynthia R. Painter, Director of Development, College of Business Administration
B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.B.A., Belmont University
Jamie Chatham, Office Manager
B.A., Emory University
Kelley Johnson, GIfts Processor
B.B.A., University of Georgia
Robyne Atkins, Coordinator of Young Alumni Programs/Development
B.S., Belmont University
Katie Shaw, Development Research Associate
B.B.A., Belmont University

Office of Administration and University Counsel

Jason B. Rogers, Vice-President
Alison McCommons, Executive Assistant

Office of Safety Programs

Laura Prentice, Coordinator of Safety Programs

Office of Campus Security

Terry White, Director
Jim Ruffin, Operations Manager
Eric Simpson, Administrative Manager
Kevin Crawford, Patrol Officer
Jesse Cunningham, Patrol Officer
Brian Drinkwine, Patrol Officer
Troy Faust, Patrol Officer
Sherleon Foster, Patrol Officer
Stanley Hord, Watch Commander
Dewayne Lee, Patrol Officer
Lance Lewis, Security Systems Technician
Lou Mills, Watch Commander
Matthew Mitchell, Patrol Officer
John T. Moran, 2nd Shift Supervisor
Melvin Reed, Watch Commander
Renee Ruthven, 1st Shift Supervisor
Scott Sam, Patrol Officer
Michael Simpson, 3rd Shift Supervisor
Eric Stephens, Patrol Officer
Michael Webb, Patrol Officer
Richard Widick, Patrol Officer
Samantha Pulfrey, Dispatcher

Office of Career Services/Cooperative Education

Charlsie Stewart Matthews, Director
B.A. George Peabody College; M.A., University of Northern Colorado
Patricia Jacobs, Director
B.A., Belmont University; M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
Gary E. Boling, Career Counselor
B.A., Murray State University; M.S., Tennessee State University
Laura G. Wheeler, Office Manager

Office of Strategic Marketing and Special Initiatives

Pamela Johnson, Director of Strategic Marketing and Special Initiatives

University Marketing and Communications

Greg Pillon, Director of University Marketing and Communications
Jennifer Wetzel, Assistant Director
Kristin R. Bell, UMAC Office/Budget Manager
April Lyons, Creative Services Supervisor
Glenda S. Dahlhauser, Senior Graphic Designer
Morton Southall, Senior Graphic Designer
Sara Spencer, Production Artist
Michael Krouskop, University Photographer
Adrian Constant, Online Marketing Manager
Amanda Wheeler, University Writer/Editor

University Mail Center

Veronica L. Smith, Mail Center Coordinator
Ronald Little, Mail Center Associate
Angel Medina, Mail Center Associate

Copy Center

Eric Burford, Copy Center Manager
Misty S. Biggers, Copy Center Associate

Office of Spiritual Development

Todd L. Lake, Vice-President
Benita J. Walker, CPS, Executive Assistant

Office of University Ministries

Guy Chmieleski, University Minister
B.A., Bethel University; M.A., Palm Beach Atlantic University; D.Min., George Fox Evangelical Seminary
Christy Ridings, Associate University Minister
B.S., Belmont University

Special Consultant to the President

W. Fred Kendall, II

Belmont University Centers

Center for Family Business

Lindsey Trella, Acting Director

Center for Professional Development

Angela S. Breedon, Program Specialist
Martha Kelley, Director of Executive Learning Networks
B.S., M.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
Kim Powell, Associate Director
B.B.A., Belmont University
Janice L. Woodard, Customized Corporate Training

Frist Center

Kaye Horsfall, Executive Director
B.S.W., University of Kentucky; M.A., Eastern Kentucky University

Moench Center for Church Leadership

Lloyd Elder, Director
Joyce Byrd, Associate Director

Part-Time Faculty

The following faculty members served during the 2008-2009 year on a temporary or part-time basis:

Darlene Abernathy Neely, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Paul Abrams, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Stephanie Adlington, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mike Akbari, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Joyce Alexander, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
James Allen, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Nancy Allen, Adjunct Instructor of Music
James Al-Shamma, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
Kimberly Anderson, Adjunct Instructor of Exercise Science
Meagan Anderson, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Adam Andrews, Adjunct Instructor of Information Systems Management
Dane Anthony, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Elizabeth Ellen Argo, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Cynthia Arnold, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Brandy Austin, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre and Dance
Angel Bachuss, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Debra Back, Adjunct Instructor of History
Frank Baird, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Jeffrey Balding, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Kimberly Balding, Adjunct Instructor of English
Oyetunde Bamigboye, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kathy Banks, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Rahsaan Barber, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mary Bass, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Rebecca Beasley, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Lauren Beihoffer, Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry
Debbie Belue, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Ann Benco, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Elena Bennett, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Lawren Bercaw, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Rick Beresford, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Monte Betz, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Vickie Bissinger, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Cynthia Bisson, Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences
Shirley Blackburn, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Natonya Blackmun, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Alys Blair, Adjunct Instructor of Physics
Donna Blanton, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Marianne Blickenstaff, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Lawrence Bond, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Victoria Boone, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Alison Booth, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Tanya Boswell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Bobette Bouton, Adjunct Instruction of Education
Kelly Bowman, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Lydia Bradford, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Ashley Brailsford, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Beth Brewster, Adjunct Instructor of General Education
David Bridges, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Carol Brophy, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Gerald Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Art
John Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Administration
Susan Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Sarah Bubb, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Victoria Buechel, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Robert Bullock, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Wyeth Burgess, Adjunct Instructor of English
Geoffrey Burkert, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Patricia Burlin, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Don Byrd, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mark Cabaniss, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Bruce Caine, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology and Management
William Caldwell, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Laura Camacho Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Sara Camp, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Todd Campbell, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
Robert Carnahan, Adjunct Instructor of Honors
Halli Carr, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Judith Carroll, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Cindy Carter, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
James Carter, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Anthony Caruso, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Wayne Causey, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Thomas Cavanaugh, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Stephen Cernawsky, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kathy Chambers, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Matthew Charlton, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Matt Chenoweth, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Paul Chenoweth, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Ginny Cheshire, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Anita Chesney, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kathy Chiavola, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Guy Chmieleski, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
William Choate, Adjunct instructor of Religion
Jennifer Cies, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Bryan Clark, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Rachel Clark, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Ann Coble, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
John Collins, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Raymond Conner, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Calvert Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Administration
Joy Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Terrence Cooksey, Adjunct Instructor of Sports Administration
Mary Etta Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Mary Cooper, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Sarah Cote, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Terrell Cothran, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Anthony Cottrill, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Jeff Cox, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Julie Cox, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Marie Coz, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Jacqueline Creighton, Adjunct Instructor of Sports Science
Jennifer Crowell, Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Mario da Silva, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Joseph Davidian, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Andrew Davis, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
Joshua Davis, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Dino Desantis, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Victoria Doner, Adjunct Instructor of English
Rachelle Driver, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Heather Easterday, Adjunct Instructor of Marketing
Sally Ebel, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
David Ells, Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science
Joel Emerson, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Marcy Erb, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Darlene Estes, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Martha Ezell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Emily Farwell, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Denise Farrell, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Jocelyn Fisher, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Aaron Fitzsimmons, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Harold Fogelberg, Instructor of Management
Ramona Galbreath, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Seth Gangwer, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mika Garrett, Adjunct Instructor of Japanese
Tamara Garvey, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Mary George, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Brent Gerlach, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Larry German, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Carrie Gerow, Adjunct, Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Debra Gibbs, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
George Gilbert, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Andrew Gilfeather, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Lauren Gingles, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Jodi Glover, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Sarah Glynn, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Larry Mark Godwin, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Ellen Goebel, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Christopher Golden, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Trent Gongwer, Adjunct Instructor of Music Busines
Brad Gray, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Robert Gray, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Sal Greco, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Shirley Green, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Patricia Gunter, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Charmion Gustke, Adjunct Instructor of English
Donna Gwaltney, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Michael Hackett, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Rebecca Hadzor, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Bill Halbert, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Kenya Hall, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Tom Hallquist, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Jennifer Hamilton DeHart, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Linda Harmon, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Joseph Harrington, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Jan Harris, Adjunct Instructor of English
Annemarie Harrod, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Patricia Harvey, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Gary Harville, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Molly Haslam, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Harley Hatcher, Adjunct instructor of Music Business
David Hayes, Adjunct Instructor of Economics and Management
Jimmy Heffington, Adjunct Instructor of Geography
Helen Henderson, Adjunct Instructor of Latin
Catherine Hendon, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Lucas Hendrickson, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Laura Hileman, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Cathy Hill, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Robert Hill, Adjunct Instructor of Management
William Hines, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Hilary Hinton, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Gayle Hoesel, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Catherine Hood, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Kristen House, Adjunct Instructor of English
Michael Hull, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Nancy Hunt, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Rande Isabella, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
John Jansen, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Tara Jenkins, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Ashley Johnson, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Sherri Jones, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Joyce Jordan-Lake, Adjunct Instructor of General Education
James Kaiser, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Jill Kares, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mary Karpos, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Rhonda Kavan, Adjunct Instructor of English
Daniel Keen, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Todd Kemp, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Meredith Kendall Valdez, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Shelby Kennedy, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Meagan Kieffer, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Holly Kimbrell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Joy Kimbrell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Tammy Rogers King, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Valerie King, Adjunct Instructor of Marketing
June Kingsbury, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre and Dance
Shawn Knight, Adjunct Instructor of English
Tommy Knowles-Bagwell, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Lynette Kraft, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre and Dance
Jim Kramer, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Virginia Lamothe, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kenneth Langley, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Stan Lassiter, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kristopher Lattimore, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Lori LeBleu, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Daniel Lawrence, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
Franne Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
James Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Exercise Science
Sarah Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Steven Leeds, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Thomas Leonard-Martin, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
Jeffrey Lisenby, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Jeff Lisenby, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Chris Lisle, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Dan Lochrie, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Catherine Loes, Instructor of Marketing
Michael Loftin, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
Todd London, Adjunct Instructor of Music 
Kay Long, Adjunct Instructor of Sports Administration
Russell Long, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Ralph Lovelace, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jason Lovvorn, Adjunct Instructor of English
Clarence Lutz, Adjunct Instructor of Management
April Lyons, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Melissa Lyons, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
David Maddox, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
David Maddox, Adjunct Instructor of Education
David Madeira, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Gregg Mangiafico, Adjunct Instructor of Music
John Marshall, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Bryon Martin, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
John Michael Mauldin, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Steve Mauldin, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Rebecca McBride, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Paul McCullough, Adjunct Instructor of Finance and Management
Walter McDade, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Carla McDonough, Adjunct Instructor of General Education
Danise McGrath, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Dollena McHenry, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
David McKay, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Michael McLain, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Jamesina McLeod, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Megan McMurtry, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Ellen Menking , Adjunct Instructor of Music
Beth Miller, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Martha Minardi, Adjunct Instructor of Religion and Liberal Studies
Stephanie Miserocchi, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Barbara Moore, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Jeff Moore, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Thomas Moore, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
David Mora, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Daniel Moreschi, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Jane Morrell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Melanie Morris, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Sean Muldoon, Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Roderic Murray, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Celeste Myall, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Jacqueline Mynarski, Adjunct Instructor of Sports Administration
Ahad Nasab, Adjunct Instructor of Physics
Keith Nicholas, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Valerie Nichols, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Kaye Nickell, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Heidi O’Gara Jellison, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Myron Oglesby-Pitts, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Leslie Overby, Adjunct Instructor of Marketing
Virginia Owens, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Barbara Padovich, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Laurie Pallotta, Adjunct Instructor of French
Charles Parker , Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jill Parker, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
David Patton, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Lori Patton, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Susan Patton, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kathryn Payne, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Regina Peeler, Adjunct Instructor of History
Florencia Perez-Bray, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Julie Perry, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
David Petschulat, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Cathleen Pettepher, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Amy Phelan, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Jeffrey Phillips, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Gregory Pillon, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Audra Pinson, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Lauren Pittard, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Richard Pollard, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Michael Poston, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
David Powell, Adjunct Instructor of English
Bill Prince, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Kristen Price, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Michael Puryear, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Ron Ramage, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Susan Ramsay, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Andrew Ramsey, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Mary Rau-Foster, Adjunct Instructor of Management
John Ray, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Steven Reed, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Nancy Reece, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Jacquelyn Reeves, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Andrew Risinger, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Leigh Ann Roberts, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Patricia Roberts, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Caryn Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Dan Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Dorren Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Roberta Rodgers, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Jon Roebuck, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jefferson Rogers, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Joey Rosas, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Timothy Ross, Adjunct Instructor of English
William Rothamel, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Kenneth Rowe, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Thomas Russell, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Radu Rusu, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Gregory Sage, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Edward Salamon, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Bruce Anthony Saunders, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
Steve Schnur, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Lisa Scholl, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Thomas Schuyler, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Raymond Seely, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Alan Shacklock, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Matthew Shores, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Andrew Siao, Adjunct Instructor of Chinese
Tracy Silverman, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Laura Skaug, Adjunct Instructor of Music and Theatre/Dance
Susan Skinner, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Amy Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
Andrew Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Danny Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Harold Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jacqueline Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Joseph Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Rebecca Spires, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Jamie Stamey, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Jill Stafford, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Thomas Studebaker, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Amy Sturgis, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies and General Education
Robert Sullivan, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
William Summey, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Tayon Swafford, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Claire Syler, Adjunct, Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Heather Talley, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Daniel Tatum, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Jennifer Tedesco, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kim Terrill, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Charles Tessier, Adjunct Instructor of Honors
Mary Tewes, Adjunct Instructor of English
Chester Thompson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Robert Thompson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Maitane Tidwell, Adjunct Instructor of International Business
Benjamin Tischker, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Rebekah Tischker, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Matthew Toy, Adjunct Instructor of Sports Administration
Carolyn Treybig, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kathleen Tucker, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Camille Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Jason Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Karen Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Mary Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Art
William Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Pharmacy
Valerie Vanderwest, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Adam VassGal, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
Cliff Vaughn, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Roy Vogt, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Margie Voight, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Sam Von Mizener, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
William VornDick, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Patsy Wade, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Deborah Walden, Adjunct Instructor of Art
John Wark, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurship
Jonathan Watkins, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Derico Watson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Tiffany Watson, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Micah Weedman, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Caleb Weeks, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Alena Wenker, Adjunct Instructor of Russian
Thomas Wheeler, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
David White, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Sara Whitfield, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
James Wigginton, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Angela Wilcoxson, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Steve Willets, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Christi Williams, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Matthew Wilson, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurship
Betty Wiseman, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Cynthia Wunsch, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Caroline Wooldridge, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Margie Yankeelov, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Sumer Yates, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Zoro, Adjunct Instructor of Music