Jul 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Definition of Academic Terms

The following terms are provided for clarification.

Undergraduate Student - one who has not attained a baccalaureate degree, but is taking courses for credit.

Tuition - the money charged students for academic courses.

Semester Hour - the basic unit of measurement in determining the time spent in class. For example, a course giving one semester hour of credit usually meets for one hour of instruction each week during the semester.

Credit - the unit of academic value placed on every university course. A student is given a credit for each semester hour of academic work satisfactorily completed.

Quality Points - units for measurement to determine the quality of work a student does. See the grading system under Academic Standing for quality point equivalency for letter grades.

Grade Point Average - The average quality point earned per semester hour. It is computed by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of hours attempted 4.0 is a perfect GPA.


Each student is personally responsible for completing all requirements established for his or her degree by the university and department. It is the student’s responsibility to inform herself/himself of these requirements. A student’s advisor may not assume these responsibilities. Any substitution, waiver, or exemption from any established requirement or academic standard may be accomplished only with appropriate approval.

Advisors help students with their schedules, but the primary obligation for knowing and meeting all graduation requirements rests with the student.

Class Load

The normal class load for a university student during the fall or spring semester is 16 hours of course work per week. The minimum load for full-time status is 12 hours of course work per week, and the maximum load is 19 hours of course work per week. To register for more than 19 hours, the student must gain permission from his or her academic advisor and submit the proper from tot he Registrar’s Office. Any student who enrolls for more than 19 hours without proper authorization will be required to reduce the load to 19 hours or less. Students on probation may register for no more than 16 hours. Further, such students are required, when at all possible, to repeat courses in which they received a grade of D or F.

During each summer term, the minimum load for full-time status is 6 hours for undergraduates and the maximum is 16 hours. To register for more than 16 hours (including concurrent enrollment), the same procedure must be followed as for an overload in a regular semester.

Student Class Attendance Policy

Belmont University is committed to the idea that regular class attendance is essential to successful scholastic achievement. Absence is permitted only in cases of illness or other legitimate cause. Attendance is checked from the first class meeting. Late registrants will have accrued some absences prior to formal registration in the course. In the case of excused absence from class, students have the right and responsibility to make up all class work missed.

  • Provost’s Excused Absences

    If a class absence is necessary because of an activity by another class or university organization, the sponsor of the activity will provide a detailed memorandum on the letterhead of the unit to the Provost at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. The memo will provide the names of students involved, the type of event, and the date range of the event. If approved the Provost will countersign the memo, generating a Provost’s Excuse, and copies will be provided by the sponsor to each student to present to instructor as an excused absence with the allowance for the student to make up missed class work.
  • Failure for Non-Attendance

    Should the number of absences other than Provost’s Excused Absences exceed 20% of class meeting time (applicable to every term and part-of-term course) for a given student, the faculty member may assign the grade “FN” (failure for nonattendance) to that student.
  • Student responsibilities

    Students are responsible for notifying faculty members if they miss class(es). They are to provide documentation in support of absenteeism for the faculty member to review and evaluate according to course attendance policies. Student with excused absences (as approved by the faculty or through the Provost’s Excuse) are able to make up all classwork missed during the absenteeism period.
  • Faculty responsibilities

    Faculty members will provide an absenteeism policy on each course syllabus and review and explain the policy to all students. Faculty members providing for excused absences will review requests for those not covered by the Provost’s Excuse and communications relating to unexcused absences and approve them according to the course syllabus. They will honor absences that are properly documented and provide either the same or in-kind assignments and provide opportunities for students to make up missed coursework during or immediately following an excused absence period.
  • Appeal

    Students may appeal a disputed absence matter to the chair of the faculty member’s department or to the appropriate dean’s office should the faculty member be the department chair. The appropriate dean’s decision will be final. Proper documentation must be provided in support of the appeal. If the appeal is approved, the chair or dean will communicate the reason for the approval and the remedy to the faculty member who will permit the student (s) to make up missed coursework in a timely manner.

Changing a Schedule

Students may change schedules during open registration periods for that term. Students should be in consultation with the faculty advisor. After the first week of classes or the designated “Drop & Add” period schedule changes are no longer available on-line and only granted by exception. Courses withdrawn after the date specified in the academic calendar are not subject to refunds. Students may not withdraw from a course in the 30 calendar days from last day of the semester or last day published for WP/WF.

Change of Name or Address

Any current student needing to change pertinent personal data during a semester should fill out “Personal Data Change Request” at Belmont Central or fill out a request on the web and email to the appropriate university office. Changes of address must be made prior to exam week each semester. In order for a name change to be processed, the student must bring an official document for a copy to be made in Belmont Central. An official document includes: a marriage certificate, a court order, a driver’s license with a picture ID, or a social security card.

Course Policies

Belmont University reserves the right not to offer any course in which fewer than 10 students enroll.

Any department may offer special studies courses under the number 1990-4990 for 0-3 hours credit. In these courses an opportunity is provided for the student to pursue an area of special interest under the supervision of a faculty member. Approval of the appropriate department chairperson, the dean, and the Provost is required before enrolling in these courses. Directed study courses may be offered by some departments (see departmental course listings). Such courses are created and overseen in the same manner as special studies courses.

This bulletin is a listing of courses. The mere listing of a course does not guarantee its offering any particular semester or year. Certain courses may be offered only when demand warrants their offering.

Course Numbers

At Belmont, the first digit in the course number indicates the year level of the course, as follows:

Courses which begin with number 1 are primarily for freshmen; those beginning with 2, primarily for sophomores; 3, primarily for juniors and seniors; 4, primarily for seniors. Certain courses are numbered below 1000 (e.g. 0900) and are offered as remedial courses. Remedial courses do not count toward graduation requirements.

Some courses are offered only in the fall and/or spring semesters. Some courses are only offered in alternating years or based on need. Please consult individual departments for course schedule rotations.

Beginning in the Spring 2004 semester, Belmont University converted from a three digit academic numbering system to a four digit academic numbering system. For example ENG 110 became ENG 1100. In the majority of cases the new number was generated by added a zero (0) to the end of the existing digit.

Withdrawal from the University

Students wishing to completely withdraw must obtain a withdrawal form from Belmont Central. Upon completion of the form, it is returned to Belmont Central for processing.

No financial credit will be given after the fifth week of classes. Withdrawals must be handled in person. A telephone call giving intent to withdraw does not constitute an official withdrawal. Students may not withdraw during the last 30 days of a semester.


As a graduation requirement for all undergraduate students, the program reinforces Belmont’s unique mission of providing “an academically challenging education that enables men and women of diverse backgrounds to engage and transform the world with disciplined intelligence, compassion, courage, and faith.” Belmont’s Convocation program is a shared experience that encourages the development of well-rounded individuals. Through Convocation, students participate in various programs that encourage:

  • Learning outside the classroom
  • Pursuing life-long learning
  • Valuing the arts
  • Exploring issues relevant to life, culture, and faith
  • Serving others
  • Contributing to community life at Belmont University.

Convocation includes lectures, presentations, discussions, performances, art exhibits, and a community service component. Academic Lectures focus on the presentation of topics relating to a field of scholarly significance, current event, or prominent issue. Christian Faith Development programs focus on introducing a student to the Christian faith, exploring connections between the Christian faith and life, or offering opportunities for worship and teaching. Culture & Arts programs focus on cross-cultural experiences or the visual and performing arts. Personal/Professional Growth programs focus on enhancing students’ emotional development, personal skills, or professional competencies or opportunities. Community Service is an activity which is not required as part of an academic syllabus or academic honor society, does not offer any remuneration (pay, goods, services) to the student, and is of benefit to the university or greater community.

Students earn credits by participating in programs. Traditional undergraduate students gain credits by attending approved programs that are listed on the official Convocation schedule. Students enrolled in the University College program for non-traditional students may choose the portfolio method that allows them to also gain credits for programs offered outside of the university’s approved schedule of programs. Community Service credit is obtained by completing a form that indicates and verifies the nature of the service.

Students must complete a specific number of credits in each category. Requirements are based on the catalog under which the student graduates and the number of academic hours transferred to Belmont at the time of enrollment. Specific requirements can be found in The Bruin Guide or on the Convocation Website at:

Academic Honor System

The members of the Belmont University community seek to provide students a high-quality education while encouraging in the entire community a sense of ethics, social responsibility and interdependence. We believe that trust is a vital part of this enterprise and that self-discipline and responsibility to one another are also essential elements. We also believe that any instance of dishonesty is a violation of the values of the Belmont University community. Therefore, the Belmont University Academic Honor System aims to cultivate a community based on trust, academic honesty and social responsibility. 

Complete information about the Academic Honor System, including Belmont University’s Honor Pledge, student expectations, and more can be in The Bruin Guide, which is available online. Students may link to it by pasting the following url into their browser:


Please note, the above information is provided to help answer some questions you may have about Belmont’s Academic Honor System. It is not official statements of policy or process. The Bruin Guide states official policies and processes and supersedes this information.

Academic Standing

Student Classification

Semester Hours Academic Standing
0-29 Freshman
30-63 Sophomore
64-93 Junior
94 or more Senior

Grading System

All courses offered for academic credit at Belmont University shall be graded on the following basis except as described below.

Letter Grade Meaning
A/A- is a grade of distinction.
B+/B/B- represents excellent work, above average.
C+/C/C- indicates average work.
D+/D/D- represents minimally acceptable work.
F indicates non-acceptable work; no credit is received.
Pass/Fail Courses offered at Belmont University which fit the exceptions stated below will be graded on P/F basis. A grade of P indicates that the student has satisfactorily completed the course. However, the student does not receive quality points and the grade of P does not affect the student’s overall GPA.
  1. Continuing education and community service courses which do not offer academic credit.
  2. Courses which offer academic credit, but which are not offered for classroom instruction at regularly scheduled hours. Such courses may include, but are not limited to, independent studies, co-operative education, internships, and travel study courses.
  3. Courses which offer academic credit, but whose published course descriptions indicate that they will be offered on P/F basis only.

A student with 64 or more “earned hours” (Junior or Senior status) may elect to earn up to twelve (12) semester hours of academic credit on “pass / fail” bases. The 12 semester hours must be in courses which are general “free” electives in the student’s plan of study. Students electing this option may not do so with courses in the major, minor or General Education unless the course is only offered and listed in the catalog as P/F. To earn general “free” elective credit on P/F basis, the student must: (a) secure the agreement of the academic advisor that the course is a general free elective and the student’s classification is appropriate. (b) The student who elects P/F grading may not change back to a graded scale. (c) Upon registration for the course, but generally not later than mid-term, the student should E-mail their advisor (who should approved the P/F option). d) The advisor should forward to the course’s professor (noting prefix, title and CRN) acknowledging the course is a free elective and under this policy the student (name and BU ID) is exercising their option to request a final grade of pass or fail. A copy of the E-mail from the advisor should be sent to the student, professor and Registrar for record keeping purposes.

I is an incomplete and is used only in cases of uncontrollable circumstances. Responsibility for completing the work must be assumed by the student. All incomplete work must be finished before mid-term of the next semester. An I is calculated as an F. The grade will be changed to an F at the midterm of the semester following the one in which it was earned unless a grade is submitted by the instructor.

W indicates the student withdrew during the first four weeks of the semester before a P/F status can be determined.

WP indicates the student is passing at the time of withdrawal. Permission to withdraw may be obtained from Belmont Central except that no student will be permitted to withdraw in the last 30 days of the semester. Failure to obtain this permission results in an F for the course. A WP does not affect the grade point average.

WF indicates that the student is failing at the time of withdrawal during the university’s “withdraw passing / failing” period in the term, or during a time after this period when the student is administratively withdrawn by action of the university. A WF counts as an F when computing GPA.

FN indicates that the student failed the course due to excessive absences. Should the number of absences other than Provost’s Excused Absences exceed 20% of class meeting time (applicable to every term and part-of-term course) for a given student, the faculty member may assign the grade “FN” (failure for non-attendance) to that student. FN counts as an F when computing GPA.

AU indicates Audit. Academic credit is not received when auditing a course. The GPA is not affected. (Tuition and fees still apply to audited courses.)

NR indicates Not Received. This means that the professor did not turn in the grade(s) by the deadline at the end of the semester. This does not affect the student’s GPA. However, the student does not have credit for the course until the appropriate grade is entered. The professor must complete a grade change form to change the grade and the student will be notified stating their grade and updated GPA when processed.

FX grade on the student’s transcript will indicate that the failure of the course was due to an Honor Pledge violation. The grade will be treated as an F for purposes of the student’s grade point average. After appeal, any decision resulting in a grade of “FX” will automatically be reviewed by the Provost. During a student’s last semester prior to graduation, s/he may have the “FX” changed to an F on the transcript in the following manner:

  • The student must have retaken and received a passing grade in the class in which the “FX” was given;
  • The student must have no subsequent violations of the Honor Pledge while a student at Belmont;
  • The student must write a letter to the Provost requesting the removal of the “FX”;
  • The student must propose and perform an activity or program that promotes academic integrity on campus and which will be mutually agreed upon by student and the Honor Court. The Honor Court will certify that the program has been completed in a letter to the Provost.

If the student satisfactorily completes the four conditions above, the Provost will instruct the Registrar to change the “FX” to a grade of “F” on the student’s transcript.

Refer to the Academic Honors System in this catalog for information regarding Honor Code violations.

IP indicates In Progress academic work. Course work is continued. Does not count in GPA calculations. The IP grade is only available for undergraduates taking study abroad courses which are ongoing or while pending receipt of transcript / grade information from the study abroad institution, or in specific programs of study that have been so approved (such as Medical Imaging during the clinical year at Vanderbilt University) to carry IP grades ongoing. Department specific approvals for IPs will be reflected on the departmental page.

Each hour of academic work taken for credit in the university is evaluated in terms of its relative quality, as shown by the grade received in the course. The various grades and their corresponding quality points are:

Letter Grade Quality Points
A 4.0 quality points for each hour of credit.
A- 3.7 quality points for each hour of credit.
B+ 3.3 quality points for each hour of credit.
B 3.0 quality points for each hour of credit.
B- 2.7 quality points for each hour of credit.
C+ 2.3 quality points for each hour of credit.
C 2.0 quality points for each hour of credit.
C- 1.7 quality points for each hour of credit.
D+ 1.3 quality points for each hour of credit.
D 1.0 quality point for each hour of credit.
D- 0.7 quality point for each hour of credit.
F 0 quality points and no credit.

Students may view final grades and grade point averages the week following the last exam of the semester through their MyBelmont account. Mid terms grades are not recorded to the student’s academic transcript. Mid term grades serve as a notification to students regarding their academic progress in their courses. Students may view mid term grades through their MyBelmont account.

Repeating Courses

The student may repeat any course which was previously taken at Belmont if the student wishes to improve the grade. The student will not be allowed to repeat the course more than once with the exception of an “F” grade which may be repeated an unlimited number of times. The last grade earned will be posted to the transcript as the officially recognized grade for the course unless it is lower than the first grade. The original grade will remain on the transcript but will not be figured into the cumulative grade average. All “repeat” courses must be taken at Belmont. A course grade transferred from another institution may not be removed by repeating the course at Belmont.

Grade Appeals

Students have the right to appeal grades directly to the instructor if they believe that an incorrect grade has been assigned for the course. If a grade issue is not resolved after contact with the instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the department chair / associate dean of the college. This must occur by the mid-term point of the next semester. In the written appeal the student must be prepared to demonstrate and document an unusual circumstance that warrants a review of the grade and evidences of the grade s/he believes should have been given by the instructor. All written appeals will be reviewed within one month of receipt and responded to in writing either confirming or changing the posted final grade. A copy of this response will go to the Registrar’s Office for the student’s record.

Further appeal is through the administrative structure of the college in which the course was taken, with final appeal to the Dean of the college. Any appeal must be in writing and include appropriate documentation to support the student’s position that a grade change is warranted.

The final grade is the instructor’s posted grade, which may be viewed in the student’s grade report on-line at the close of the term or part-of-term. It is solely the responsibility of the student to check that grades are posted for all courses taken during a semester and note the grade given for each class. All grade appeals must be requested by the mid-term point of the next semester. Unless an active appeal is under review, after the mid-term point of the next semester, neither instructors nor the university will consider a grade change.

Once a final grade has been posted the student may not petition the instructor to do additional work or extra credit to raise the grade awarded. Any grade change as a result of such action will be disallowed.

For grades of IP or I, once the I or IP is replaced (required prior to mid-term of the follow semester) by a grade, including a change to F, that becomes the posting date of the final grade. Administrative grades such as W (withdrawal) are handled through the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Standing: Dean’s List, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension

Student’s academic performance at Belmont University for Dean’s List and Academic Probation is described as their Academic Standing which reflects the Belmont University grade point average (GPA) in the last term of enrollment (see policies below). Academic Suspension is based on the total number of GPA credit hours completed at Belmont on a scale provided in the suspension table below.

Academic Good Standing

Enrollment in good standing is granted to all fully admitted students who maintain a cumulative Belmont University grade point average of 2.0 or higher. However, a student’s academic status may change to Academic Probation if any academic term/semester Belmont GPA or cumulative Belmont GPA is less than 2.0. Academic Suspension from the University is based on a scale provided in the suspension table below.

Dean’s List

Recognition to undergraduate students achieving dean’s list will be sent to their Belmont email address at the end of each semester. Semester eligibility is based upon the following:

  1. A minimum load of 12 semester credit hours for fall and spring semesters. Summer Dean’s List is based on a minimum 9-hour load over the summer term.
  2. No grade below a C in any course including P/F (pass/fail) and zero credit courses.
  3. A quality point average of 3.5 or better.
  4. Eligibility is also based upon completing of all course work by the last official day of the semester with the exception of “in progress” (IP) for study abroad courses. Hours taken as audit or P/F courses are not included in the minimum credit hour load count.

Table of Academic Standards (Probation and Suspension)

Overall Belmont GPA Hours Probation if any semester GPA or cumulative Belmont GPA is less than Suspension if Belmont Institutional GPA is less than
0-16 2.00 N/A
17-29 2.00 1.00
30-63 2.00 1.50
64-93 2.00 1.75
94 + 2.00 2.00

Academic Probation

A student is placed on Academic Probation when a student’s Belmont University grade point average (GPA) in any semester (fall, spring or summer term) or cumulative Belmont University GPA is less than 2.0. Academic probation and academic suspension are not necessarily a process of progressive discipline. A student may move immediately to suspension or dismissal if the grade point average meets the criteria indicated in the Academic Standards table above. Probation is checked at the end of fall, spring and summer terms. Students on probation may take no more than 16 hours while on Probation and are required, and are expected with the 16 hour allowance as soon as possible, to repeat courses in which they received a “D” or “F”. A student on Academic Probation in the current or last term of enrollment is not in “Good Standing.”

Academic Suspension

A student not meeting the minimum grade point average (GPA) on Belmont work as shown in Academic Standards table above will be placed on academic suspension. A student placed on academic suspension is ineligible to enroll at Belmont University during their suspension. A student who receives a first academic suspension from Belmont may petition for readmission to the university after one semester of non-enrollment. A student who receives a second suspension may appeal for readmission after one year from the date of the last suspension. A third suspension results in dismissal from the university with no opportunity for readmission. Each Academic Suspension is recorded on the Belmont transcript as an official part of the student record. Suspension is checked at the end of fall, spring and summer terms. A student on suspension may not enroll in the summer semester, but the fall and spring semesters are the semesters counted for suspensions. A student on Academic Suspension (including “dismissal”) in the current or last term of enrollment is not in “Good Standing.”

Academic Suspension Action
First suspension according to chart above

Ineligible to enroll next semester.

If suspension occurs following the spring semester, ineligibility includes summer and fall.

Second suspension according to chart above

Ineligible to enroll next two semesters.

If suspension occurs at the end of the spring semester, ineligibility includes: summer term (which includes Maymester), fall semester, and spring semester.

If suspension occurs at the end of the fall semester, ineligibility includes: spring semester, summer term (which includes Maymester), and fall semester.

Third suspension according to chart above University Dismissal - No readmission possible

Academic Suspension is a period of time away from Belmont meant to encourage the student to seek to develop habits that will contribute to the student’s academic success if they return to Belmont. As a result of being placed on academic suspension all courses that the student registered for in a future term (for example, through priority registration) are automatically dropped from the student’s schedule. In addition, during the period of the suspension Belmont does not accept any credit in transfer from another institution. If another institution elects to admit a Belmont student during that student’s academic suspension from Belmont, any courses completed at the other institution during the student’s academic suspension will not transfer back to Belmont University.

Academic Suspension Appeal

Belmont University recognizes that a singular unique involuntary situation may occur that has a direct impacted on the grade point average (GPA) resulting in academic suspension. This can usually be isolated to one or two semesters. An academically suspended student does have a right of appeal to be filed no later than three weeks after the end of that semester’s final exams, or by the date specified in the suspension letter. The appeal letter must be sent from the student to the University Registrar. The Registrar will work in coordination with the Dean of the college of the student’s major / degree to review the appeal.

An appeal is a request to waive the “ineligible to enroll at Belmont” status or a request to be allowed to take and transfer back a specific course(s) from another postsecondary institution during the period of suspension. For any appeal to be considered, two things must be articulated: 1) the student must clearly demonstrate a unique involuntary situation that can be linked to academic performance and provide evidence that the unique involuntary situation has been, or in process of being corrected; 2) there is a reasonable belief that the student will be academically successful if allowed to re-enroll and take courses before the time limit of the suspension has elapsed. If a student’s appeal receives the support of the Dean and the student is approved to continue in the ensuing semester at Belmont, the student will only be allowed to repeat D or F courses and the number of hours taken will be limited.

Academic Stipulations upon Return

Upon return with a status of Academic Suspension in the prior semester of enrollment the student will be automatically placed under Academic Stipulations (student status will show as Probation while attending that semester). The student should meet with their academic advisor and plan a schedule to primarily repeat courses of a “D” or “F.” If the student’s GPA in the returning semester is below a 2.0 the student is suspended again immediately with no appeal possible. The third suspension results in University Dismissal with no readmission possible. This stipulation supersedes the “Table of Academic Standards.”

Academic Standards and Graduation

Regardless if a student has been on probation and / or suspension in the past or not, the following criteria must be met in order to graduate from Belmont: C average (2.0) G.P.A. on the total hours attempted at Belmont University and an overall cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 on all postsecondary institutions, colleges and universities attended. C average (2.0) G.P.A. is required over all work done in both the major and the minor areas (including transfer work used to meet degree requirements). See the graduation requirements for a full list of graduation criteria. 

Rules Governing Student University Representation

Students on academic probation are subject to restrictions related to the participation in activities that may require absence from academic courses, based on the following criteria:

Students on academic probation at the start of a term, who also have a cumulative Belmont GPA below 2.0: Students in this category will not be permitted to represent the university in activities which require, or allow voluntary, absence(s) from academic courses during that semester. This applies to all students including those who participate in regularly scheduled activities for organizations such as athletics (both a team members or in roles that support athletic teams or their practices), academic teams, performance groups, or any other University organization. 

Students who do not begin the semester on academic probation but who have a GPA below 2.0 in one, or more, course(s) at mid-term: Students in this category may not represent the university in activities which would require them to miss classes in which they are deficient. If the deficiency is removed, the Dean of the college sponsoring the representing group / team may grant permission for the student to participate after an academic review.

Students on academic or disciplinary probation cannot participate in study abroad programs (see Study Abroad page at http://www.belmont.edu/studyabroad/students/policies.html). 

The university reserves the right to stipulate a student must be in good standing to travel and miss classes.

Alternative Credit Programs

Belmont International Studies Abroad

Through a wide variety of Studies Abroad Programs, Belmont offers students the opportunity to broaden and deepen their education while earning credit hours toward their degrees. These programs, which range in duration from two weeks to a full year, can be taken for core, major, and/or elective credit at the undergraduate and graduate level. Hours earned in these programs are not affected by transfer and off-campus credit hour restrictions. All such Belmont Study Abroad qualify for financial aid for eligible students; scholarship money is also available for a limited number of students yearly. See Belmont’s International Study Abroad page for more details.

Belmont East & Belmont West

Administered by the Mike Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business, Belmont University offers students the opportunity to broaden their education while earning credit hours toward graduation. Juniors and seniors may apply for the Belmont East or West programs through which students gain exposure to internship opportunities in the New York and Los Angeles areas respectively. Each year, students are selected on a competitive basis to attend Belmont East and/or Belmont West. Students enroll in a full course load and an internship. Belmont East or West programs are open to all Belmont University students who meet the requirements of his/her respective program.

Honors Program

The Honors Program at Belmont University was created to provide an enrichment opportunity for students who have potential for superior academic performance, and who seek added challenge and breadth in their studies. The program is designed to allow students to advance as fast as their ability permits, and yet to encourage in their study a range and depth of learning in keeping with the faculty’s expectations of excellence for Honors students.

Students are offered a creative curriculum, flexibility and individualization in the formation of their degree plans, the collegiality of like-minded and equally dedicated peers, and academic and personal support from a private tutor, who is also a distinguished honors faculty member.

Participation in the Honors Program supplements, but does not replace, a baccalaureate major. The Honors Program has an alternative General Education Curriculum core which substitutes for the regular B.A.; B.B.A; B.F.A.; B.M.; B.S.; B.S.N.; or B.S.W. General Education core shown elsewhere in the catalog.

The Honors Program is administered by the Honors Council composed of one Honors faculty member from each of the university’s colleges, the Director of the Honors Program, and one student representative from each Honors Program class.

Washington Center Program

Belmont University affiliates with The Washington Center, a Washington, D.C. organization that provides academic and intern programs to students across the United States. Participants spend a semester in our nation’s capital working with governmental agencies, corporations, the media, or other uniquely Washington organizations for academic credits. Intern possibilities exist for students from generally any academic background. While in the program, participants perform intern responsibilities and attend seminars/lectures taught or presented by representatives of major governmental agencies, interest groups, media, and corporations.

To be considered for participation in this program, a student must possess a grade point average of at least 2.5 and junior or senior standing. All applications must be approved by the department granting credits and the university’s campus liaison. Each department decides whether it wishes to participate in the program and also determines the amount and type of credit it will grant. Any student attending these internships shall be considered a full-time Belmont student and will be responsible for tuition charges accordingly. However, since program fees are paid by the university, the total cost of the program to students may be comparable to a normal semester as a Belmont resident.

Students who successfully complete the fall or spring semester internship programs shall receive twelve (12) hours or credit from Belmont University. Students who complete the summer term shall be granted nine (9) hours of credit. Departments who participate in the program shall be responsible for determining how many of these hours may apply toward a major or minor in that particular program. Hours above this number up to the nine or twelve hours shall be granted as PSC 2010  which will count only as general elective hours. Major/minor hours shall be evaluated by the specific department’s representative. PSC 2010  hours will be evaluated by the campus liaison. All hours will be evaluated on a “Pass/Fail” basis, unless the department pre-approves an alternative method. PSC 2010  hours will always be granted “Pass/Fail.” A “Pass” grade shall require an evaluation of “C” (70%) or above.

For additional information concerning the program, contact the Department of Political Science.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Belmont may grant Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to individuals participating in a continuing education program who make application for such credit prior to enrolling in the course and is approved by the department in conjunction with the Office of the Registrar. One CEU may be awarded for each 10 hours of participation. CEUs are typically not offered as an option in normal (catalog based) courses, which also means that the CEUs are not part of official university records or are recorded on a Belmont transcript. Departments may elect to award a certificate of completion in CEUs for student records at the time of completion.

University credit may be received by registering for a Special Studies course in the academic discipline. These are regular credit bearing university courses. The approval of the dean of their major area and the dean of the school offering the course is required.

Advanced Placement

Belmont University participates in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board, and gives advanced placement and appropriate hours of university credit to qualified entering students. Advanced placement is awarded automatically through the Registrar’s Office upon receipt of an official grade report sent directly from the College Board for the courses listed below to students who receive the scores indicated.

University credit is awarded in the amount carried by the course for which the student is receiving advanced placement. This credit is recorded as “P” and is not used in calculating overall grade point average.

A maximum total of 24 hours of credit may be earned through Advanced Placement, I.B., and / or CLEP combined. The AP tests accepted by Belmont University are listed as follows.

Advanced Placement Credit
AP TEST AP SCORE Belmont Course
American Government 4 or 5 PSC 1210
American History 4 or 5 Either HIS 2010 or HIS 2020
Art History 4
ART 2000
ART 2800
Studio Art (All Disciplines)*
*Specific course credit awarded upon review of AP portfolio by Art faculty.
4 or 5 Specific Art Foundations Credit
Biology 4
BIO 1010
BIO 1010 and BIO 1110
Chemistry 3
PHY 1010
CEM 1610
CEM 1610 & CEM 1620
Comparative Government 4 or 5 3 hours PSC elective
Computer Science: Test A 4 or 5 CSC 1110
English* (Language and Composition
or Literature and Composition)
4 or 5 ENG 1010
English* (Language and Composition and Literature and Composition) At least 4 on both tests ENG 1010 and 3 hours of general humanities credit
Environmental Science 4 or 5 ENV 1110
European History 4 or 5 HIS 1020 or 3 hours of HIS elective
French Language or Literature 3, 4 or 5 FRE 1010, 1020, 2010 or 2020
German Language or Literature 3, 4 or 5 GER 1010, 1020, 2010 or 2020
Latin Language or Literature 3, 4 or 5 LAT 1010, 1020, 2010 or 2020
Macroeconomics 4 or 5 ECO 2210
Microeconomics 4 or 5 ECO 2220
Math: Calculus AB 4 or 5 MTH 1210
Math: Calculus BC 3
4 or 5
MTH 1210
MTH 1210 & MTH 1220
Math: Statistics 4 or 5 MTH 1150
Music: Listen/Literature 4 or 5 MUH 1200 or MUH 2000
Music: Theory** 4 or 5 MUT 1310 or MUT 1380
Physics B 4
PHY 1010
PHY 1110
Physics C 3
PHY 1010
PHY 1110
PHY 1110 and PHY 1120
Physics 1 4
PHY 1010
PHY 1110
Physics 2 4
PHY 1010
PHY 1120
Note on Physics: a score of 4 on Physics tests 1 & 2 each, will only result in getting credit for PHY 1010. A score of 5 on Physics tests 1 & 2 each, will will result in credit for PHY 1110 and PHY 1120; or the student may petition the department with scores of 5 on AP 1 & 2 each to get credit for PHY 1140.
Psychology 4 or 5 PSY 1100
Spanish 3
SPA 1010
SPA 2010
SPA 2020
World History 4 or 5 HIS 1020 or
3 hours of HIS elective
Tests and Score below only apply to students accepted into the Belmont Honors Program
European History
World Histroy
5 HON 2520 (for European History)
HON 2600 (for World History)

* See English Department for a full explanation of AP credit in English
**Pending results of Theory Placement Test for music majors and minors.


Students may earn up to 24 hours credit through the CLEP program. See the Transfer section of the catalog for students that may be combining additional hours in IB, AP, and / or other pre-university courses. No more than a total of 24 credit hours may be awarded in IB, AP, and or CLEP combined.

CLEP Exam Title


CLEP SCORE   Belmont Course Credit
Calculus with Elementary Functions   50   MTH 1210
College Algebra   50   MTH 1110
College Mathematics   50   MTH 1020
Human Growth and Development   50   PSY 3100
Introductory Sociology   47   SOC 1010
Precalculus Mathematics   50   MTH 1130

Belmont University will not grant CLEP credits for any tests not listed above. Students attempting to transfer credit earned through a CLEP test accepted at another institution must provide an original CLEP transcript, and it must be one of the Belmont accepted tests listed above. Official score reports must be submitted to the Office of Admissions at the time of application to the university.

The list of accepted CLEP exams is subject to review and change each year. The current catalog is always used to determine what CLEP exams are eligible to count at Belmont. Students should not use a past catalog (including their catalog of entry) to select CLEP exams.

Credit by Challenge Examination

Belmont University grants university credit in select courses to students who pass a comprehensive challenge examination. Credit by prepared examination is available. Academic departments and schools decide which of the courses they teach are available for credit by challenge examinations.

Students wishing to earn credit by challenge examination must complete the Credit by Challenge Examination Form which is available at Belmont Central. In completing the form, the student must secure permission to take a challenge examination from the appropriate department first and then from the dean of the school in which the credit is sought.

The fee for the examination is one-third the cost of the regular tuition for the course.

Distance Education

Belmont University will accept Distance Education courses up to a maximum of twelve semester hours outside of Belmont provided:

  1. the work is done through a regionally accredited institution;
  2. grades are “C” or above;
  3. a comparable course is offered at Belmont University;
  4. prior to enrolling students must obtain approval from the Office of the Registrar; and
  5. no more than one-fourth of any degree may be taken by distance education / extension.

Extension Work

A maximum of 18 hours of credit toward a degree may be permitted by the Provost for extension work done in other universities which are regionally accredited. Exceptional cases may be given consideration beyond this in granting additional hours for extension work. No credit is given for work done at other colleges or universities while a student is enrolled at Belmont University except by written permission of the Provost prior to enrollment. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the advisor regarding the applicability of extension work to the Belmont degree program prior to enrollment at another institution.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Students who have been awarded the IB diploma, upon receipt of official confirmation of this fact from the IBO, will be awarded 24 hours of university credit. Distribution of this credit will first be based on departmental policies regarding specific IB exams and scores, as articulated below, with the difference between that total (if any) and 24 hours being awarded as free elective, which counts as hours towards graduation but does not fulfill general education, major, or minor credit. No additional credits may be added to this total from AP credits, though satisfactory AP scores which do not duplicate IB credit may be used to replace general elective credit where applicable. Students who have been awarded the IB diploma will also be exempted from the Linked Cohort requirement in the Bell Core, though they will still have to take GND 1015 First Year Seminar.

No more than a total of 24 credit hours may be awarded in IB, AP, and or CLEP combined.

Students who have taken IB courses, but were not awarded the diploma, will be awarded individual Belmont credit based upon the matrix below.

Credits based on Exam Scores for holders of both the IB diploma and those who achieved success in some exams but did not accumulate sufficient points to be awarded the diploma:

Exam Area



BU Course


First & Second Language Groups 1 and 2
Note: Students who wish to continue studying a foreign language must meet with the department for proper placement or to petition for a higher credit level.
English A1 HL w/diploma 4 & B on extended essay ENG 1010 3
  HL w/diploma 5-7 ENG 1010 & ENL 2400 6
  SL w/diploma 5-7 ENG 1010 3
  HL exam only 5-7 ENG 1010 3
English B (2nd language) HL w/diploma 6-7 Contact department for placement and credit 3
Foreign Language* A2 (native/near native proficiency) *specified by exam HL or SL 5-7 Contact department regarding credit  
FL* Language B HL 4-5
1010 & 1020
1020 & 2010
  SL 4-5
Individuals and Societies Group 3
Business/Management (ACC and FIN Module only) HL 6-7 ACC 2420 3
Economics HL 6-7 Either ECO 2210 or 2220 3
History (all concentrations) HL 5-7 HIS 1990 3
Philosophy HL 6-7 PHI 1600 3
Psychology SL or HL 5-7 PSY 1100 3
World Religions 1 SL or HL 5-7 REL 3090 (must take REL 1010 to complete Path B in BellCore) 3
Experimental Sciences Group 4
Note: for Group 4 exams not listed below, credit is granted for HL exams with scores of 5 or higher; contact department in question regarding credit.
Biology HL 6-7 BIO 1110 & 1120 8
  SL 5-7 BIO 1010 4
Chemistry HL 6-7 CEM 1610 & 1620 8
  HL 4-5 CEM 1610 4
  HL 3 CEM 1010 4
  SL 5-7 CEM 1610 4
  SL 4 CEM 1010 4
Mathematics Group 5
Mathematics HL 6-7 MTH 1210 4
  HL 5 MTH 1130 4
Fine Arts Group 6
Note: students with scores of 5-7 on HL exams in any of the courses in this group should contact the department in question regarding the possibility of an additional 3 hours of credit by placement and/or portfolio.
Dance HL or SL 5-7 DAN 2000 3
Music HL or SL 5-7 MUH 1200 3
Theatre HL or SL 5-7 TDR 2800 3
Visual Art HL or SL 5-7 ART 2000 3
For Students Admitted THE BELMONT HONORS PROGRAM the IB below applies: 1
World Religions HL or SL 7 HON 1517 3

Officer Education Courses

Course Number Course Description
MS 110* Freshman Leadership Laboratory
MS 111* Introduction to Leadership
MS 112* Leadership Laboratory
MS 113* Leadership in Formal Organizations
MS 150* Sophomore Leadership Laboratory
MS 151* The Principles of War
MS 152* Ethics & Professionalism
MS 153* Leadership Laboratory
MS 211** Tactical Operations (includes Leadership Laboratory)
MS 212** Training Management (includes Leadership Laboratory)
MS 251** Senior Seminar: Organizational Leadership (includes Leadership Laboratory)
MS 252** Senior Seminar: Military Strategy (includes Leadership Laboratory)

*Basic Courses taken freshman and sophomore years.
**Advanced Courses taken junior and senior years.


There is absolutely no obligation for freshmen and sophomores who enroll in the ROTC courses. Junior and senior cadets, as well as all cadets who are on scholarship, have an obligation to serve in the United States Army. After graduation, service options include part-time career as an Army Reserve or National Guard officer with a unit near where they live and work or a full-time tour of active duty, one of the best starts to their future as a leader and involved citizen.

Contact Information

For more information contact the enrollment office at the Vanderbilt Army ROTC department at (615) 322-8550, toll free at 1-800-288-ROTC, or look on the web at http://www.vanderbilt.edu/army.

Military Science Minor

In addition to taking and receiving credit for Army ROTC through Vanderbilt University, Belmont students can elect to minor in military science through the Army ROTC programs at Vanderbilt University. Army ROTC cadets do not require additional courses be taken at Belmont. Students may receive the minor after earning 18 credit hours. Belmont students may elect to use the ROTC courses as elective credits rather than a minor.

Belmont students may declare a minor in Military Science by notifying the Office of the Registrar or their academic advisor plus taking the following six hours at Belmont:

  • 3 additional hours in the student’s major
  • 3 additional hours from the College of Arts and Sciences
    (already recommended PHI 1510 Critical Thinking )

Students who participate in the Army ROTC program under the provisions of cross-town agreements receive all benefits, privileges, and compete for scholarships on the same basis as full-time students enrolled at Vanderbilt University.

Relationships with Other Schools and Agencies

Belmont Continuing Studies

Through Belmont Continuing Studies programs, the university seeks to meet the needs of the broader community by offering courses on topics of current interest. Many of the courses are planned for the business segment, dealing with management issues of the time. 

The university as an entity does not grant Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to individuals participating in continuing education programs. CEUs may be given by individual divisions (such as executive business programs), but those CEU units awards are given and maintained by that division and not by the university’s Records Office. Student seeking CEUs should verify with that division offering the course in continuing education if it will carry a CEU award. In cases were the CEU is available the student should be in communication about the award prior to the course beginning. One CEU may be awarded for each 10 hours of participation.

University credit may be received by registering for a Special Studies course in the academic discipline. The approval of the dean of their major area and the dean of the school offering the course is required.


Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Officer Education Program

Belmont students may take and receive credit for Army ROTC through Vanderbilt University. In addition, Belmont students can elect to minor in military science through the Army ROTC programs at Vanderbilt University. Students may receive the minor after earning 18 credit hours. Belmont students may elect to use the ROTC hours as elective credits rather than a minor.

Belmont students not in the cadet program but making arrangements to be admitted and attend ROTC courses may declare a minor in Military Science by notifying the Office of the Registrar or their academic advisor plus taking the following and additional six hours at Belmont: 3 additional hours in the student’s major and 3 additional hours from a course in the School of Humanities.

Students who participate in the Army ROTC program under the provisions of cross-town agreements receive all benefits, privileges, and compete for scholarships on the same basis as full-time students enrolled at Vanderbilt University.

The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) provides pre-commission training for college-educated men and women who desire to serve as commissioned officers in the active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. As the Army’s largest commissioning source, it fulfills a vital role in providing mature young men and women for leadership and management positions in an increasingly technological Army. Admission is open to both men and women who meet mental, moral, and physical qualifications.

Training goes beyond the typical college classroom and is designed to build individual confidence and self-discipline, instill values and ethics, develop leadership skills, and increase physical endurance. The course load consists of one course per semester. Graduates are commissioned as Second Lieutenants and will enter active duty within sixty days. Educational delays may be granted for graduates who desire to pursue advanced degrees prior to entry on active duty. All University students in the Nashville area may participate in the Army ROTC Program at Vanderbilt University. While Vanderbilt serves as the host University, students at partnership schools are not charged additional tuition to take Army ROTC. Grades are transferred back to Belmont University and added to the students’ transcripts.

Scholarship students receive full tuition scholarships each year, an annual $1200 book allowance, all uniforms, and a monthly tax-free stipend beginning at $300 for freshmen and increasing to $500 for seniors. All students enrolled in the Army ROTC program are provided textbooks and uniforms at no expense. Contracted non-scholarship students also receive the monthly stipend from $300 to $500 depending on the MS level.

Scholarships. Students can earn merit scholarships in several ways. High school seniors and graduates compete for four-year scholarships that are determined by local competition among Vanderbilt applicants. Although determined locally, the application process is centrally managed. For more information, see theWeb site at www.armyrotc.com. College sophomores not enrolled in military science may enter the program by attending four weeks of summer training after their sophomore year at Fort Knox, Kentucky. These students are then eligible to compete at the national level for two-year scholarships. Enlisted members of the U.S.Army are eligible for Green-to-Gold scholarships that are determined by national competition or by the commanding generals of Army divisions and corps. Enlisted members of the Army Reserve or Army National Guard or outstanding students who are interested in joining the Army Reserve or Army National Guard may be eligible for two-year scholarships. They must have successfully completed two years of college to apply.

Summer training. The five-week leadership exercise at Fort Lewis,Washington, is a commissioning requirement. This is normally done between the junior and senior years. Travel, room, and board are provided free, and cadets are paid approximately $700. Other training opportunities exist for qualified applicants who volunteer.

Service Obligations. After the freshman year, scholarship students incur a service obligation of four years active duty and four years in the Inactive Ready Reserve. There are also opportunities to serve all eight years in the Guard or Reserves.

Information. Inquiries regarding enrollment in the Army ROTC program should be made to the Army ROTC Admissions Officer at (615) 322-8550 or (800) 288-7682 (1-800-VUROTC).Also see www.vanderbilt.edu/army. COMMANDING OFFICER - James R Wilburn.

Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC)

The Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) unit at Vanderbilt conducts the Naval Officer Education program which includes a Cross-Town Agreement with Belmont University School of Nursing. Only students who are pursuing a degree in Nursing at Belmont are eligible for an NROTC scholarship.

Challenging academic courses and experience-building events prepare a select group of highly accomplished students for the opportunity to serve their country as Navy Nurses and receive an education. The primary focus of the NROTC Nurse program is to develop the best leaders possible by building upon the academic strength of Belmont and providing essential military and leadership education. Students participate in the NROTC unit in the scholarship program, the college program, or the naval science program. Scholarship students take the prescribed naval science courses during their freshman and sophomore years, participate weekly in naval science lab, and engage in a four-week, summer training program after each academic year. The college program is identical to the scholarship program except for tuition financial benefit and that students only participate in summer training upon completion of their junior academic year. Scholarship students receive tuition, fees, $375 per semester for textbooks, uniforms, and a monthly stipend beginning at $250 for freshmen and increasing to $400 for seniors. College program students are provided with uniforms, textbooks for naval science courses, and, upon commencement of their junior year, a monthly stipend of $350. 

Scholarships. Students can earn scholarships in several ways. Four-year scholarships are determined by national competition among high school seniors and graduates. Based on the national ranking, students may be awarded a scholarship that covers full tuition. The application process begins as early as the spring semester of the student’s junior year of high school, but no later than early January of the year prior to admission. College program students can be nominated for three- and two-year scholarships by the NROTC unit. These nominations are based on the students’ academic and military performance at the college level. Sophomores not enrolled in the college program are eligible to apply for-the two-year NROTC scholarship program. This is a national competition and application is made through the NROTC unit. Those selected will attend a six-week naval science program during the summer prior to joining the NROTC unit in their junior year.

Service obligation. At the beginning of their sophomore year, should they choose to continue with the NROTC program, scholarship students incur a service obligation of four years active duty and four years inactive reserve to be served upon graduation or withdrawal from the program. College program students incur a three-year active duty and five-year inactive reserve commitment upon graduation or withdrawal from the program. If a scholarship student withdraws from the program or is found medically unqualified after the start of their sophomore year, they will be required to either refund the tuition costs incurred or serve on active enlisted service (AES) for 3 years.

Summer training. Summer training of about four weeks is conducted aboard naval vessels and naval shore stations after the freshman and junior academic years. Scholarship students are normally required to participate each year. All scholarship and college program midshipmen are required to participate in summer training prior to their final academic year. Course credit. During the four-year program, NROTC Nursing students are required to complete a maximum of four courses (12hours) of naval science. 

Information. Inquiries regarding enrollment in the Naval ROTC program should be made to the Naval ROTC unit recruiting officer at (615)322-2671or (800)288-0118. COMMANDING OFFICER - Mark S. Laughton; EXECUTIVE OFFICER - Brian M. Allen

Admission to the program is open to both men and women. Physical qualification to Naval Service standards is required. The Navy Physical Fitness test consists of running (1.5 miles), push-ups, and sit-ups.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training (AFROTC)

Currently there is no charge for tuition to take Air Force ROTC. The grade and credit can transfer back for graduation.
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) provides pre-commission training for college men and women who desire to serve as commissioned officers in the United States Air Force. When combined with the academic disciplines offered at the college level, the program provides the student a broad-based knowledge of management, leadership, and technical skills required for a commission and subsequent active-duty service in the Air Force. Graduates are commissioned as Second Lieutenants and will enter active duty. The main objectives of producing officers through the AFROTC program are (1) to procure officers with a broad educational base; (2) to provide a basic military education for college students; (3) to teach fundamentals and techniques of leadership, management, and decision making; and (4) to develop, in conjunction with other academic disciplines, individual character and attributes required of a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force.

AFROTC Program/Scholarships

Enrolling in AFROTC

For application deadlines go to www.tnstate.edu/afrotc. Students may participate in the Air Force ROTC program in cooperation with Tennessee State University. Call Detachment 790, (615) 963-5980, and ask for a Cross-Town Application. The program provides training and education that will develop skills and attitudes vital to the professional Air Force officer. In this program students are eligible to compete for scholarships (2.5+ GPA) that cover the cost of tuition and textbooks, and provide scholarship cadets with a monthly stipend.


The General Military Course (GMC) is 1 credit hour and is composed of the first four semesters of aerospace studies and is for freshmen and sophomores. The Professional Officer Course (POC) is 3 credit hours and constitutes the final four semesters of AFROTC study for juniors and seniors. The Leadership Lab is also 1 credit hour. Students who participate in Air Force ROTC are jointly enrolled as a TSU student and participate in Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) at TSU. For more information, contact the unit admissions officer at (615) 963-5931/5979 or check our website at www.tnstate.edu/afrotc.

General Benefits

All students enrolled in the AFROTC program are provided textbooks and uniforms at no expense. Professional Officer Course (POC) students (juniors and seniors) and all scholarship students receive a monthly subsistence allowance of up to $500 tax-free.

Sponsored Activities

  • · Arnold Air Society is a national society of AFROTC cadets who excel in character and academics and exhibit interest in the study of aerospace technology. The group meets at TSU.
  • · Professional Development Training is provided during the summers to cadets interested in enhancing their knowledge of Air Force leadership and management opportunities, increasing their cultural awareness, and learning about specific career specialties.
  • · AFROTC Flight Orientation Program is designed to allow all cadets, regardless of intended career field, the chance to fly in Civil Air Patrol aircraft. Everyone can experience the joy of flight.

For a list of current courses please contact AFROTC

Veterans and Military Personnel Degree Completion

Sources of University Credit

  1. Belmont University accepts work completed at accredited institutions on campus or through extension divisions. Work is acceptable in transfer as total hours passed, provided the course grade is “C” or above. (No more than 64 semester hours from a junior college.)
  2. Credit for military service is awarded (based on 2 years active duty).
    NOTE: Students must present documentation (DD214) to the Records Office for the credits to be posted as follows:

Course Credit

Credit hours

Belmont Course Credit

Physical Education 2 hours WEL 1600 (2) *
First Aid 3 hours General Free Elective (3)
Physical Education 2 hours WEL 201T (1) (one hour in physical activity and one hour free elective) *
Health 3 hours General Free Elective (3)
Military Science 4 hours General Free Elective (4)
Speech (officers only) 3 hours COM 1100 (3)

* Students have met Physical Education Gen Ed requirement.

  1. Service schools, as recommended by the American Council of Education in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. Credit subjects should be those acceptable in the university curriculum. It is not necessary that there be a comparable course at Belmont University.
  2. At least 32 semester hours must be taken in residence at Belmont University.
  3. A maximum of 25 semester hours may be awarded for USAFI subject examinations, for example, end-of-course tests or subjects standardized tests. CLEP subject exams (CEEB) are also in this category. Minimum percentile scores as recommended by ACE and USAFI are applicable.
  4. Correspondence credit from civilian colleges and universities is also accepted with a maximum of 12 semester hours.
  5. General Educational Development (GED) examinations of College Level Examination Program (CLEP):
    1. Six semester hours of credit will be granted for each of the five parts of the CLEP provided the individual attains a score equivalent to a “C” or above in each test.
    2. Six semester hours of credit will be granted for each of the four parts of the College-Level GED tests provided the individual attains the following minimum standard scores for each test:
      • Where one or more parts of each of these two types of tests are taken, credit will be granted as applicable. Credit will not be duplicated if tests have been taken in the same subject area. In the event of duplicate courses, only the higher grade will be accepted.
      • Test No. 1-55; Test No. 2-60; Test No. 3-61; Test No. 4-57; or an overall average of 60 on all four tests.
  6. CLEP (College Level Exam Program)
    Subject Exam: Credit will be granted according to the particular subject in which a score equivalent to a “C” or above is attained. This is normally 2 or 3 credits per subject. (See No. 5 under “Sources of University Credit”).

Curriculum Information

Major/Minor Requirements

Belmont offers more than 80 undergraduate majors through its eight colleges and schools – Business Administration, Entertainment and Music Business, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Religion, Sciences and Mathematics, University College, and Visual & Performing Arts. The major minor links on this page may be used to review Belmont’s majors offered with specific degrees, minors, and programs eligible for teacher licensure.

Each department sets forth its individual requirements for a major and a minor. Additional work in the major will count as free electives and may be used toward graduation requirements. A student should choose a major field of study as early as possible. All students must “declare” a major and minor prior to the junior year. A student changing his/her major or minor must notify Belmont Central immediately. A student may seek licensure to teach in the State of Tennessee by completing state licensure requirements through the Department of Education. Forms are available in the Belmont Central Office. For more information on major/minor forms, see graduation section of this catalog.

Curriculum for Working Adults

This university is committed to meeting the educational needs of working adults. To this end, Belmont systematically offers the general education core on a rotating basis so that each course is offered in the evening at least once each fourth semester.

It should be pointed out, however, that Belmont will be unable to guarantee that any student can fulfill all degree requirements for traditional majors by attending only evening classes.

For a more complete explanation of programs specifically designed to meet the needs of working adults, see the University College  section of this bulletin.

Pre-Professional Courses

Belmont University offers pre-professional courses of study in dentistry, engineering, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and theology.

Since professional schools vary considerably in their admission requirements, the student is advised to first select the professional school he wishes to attend, then select pre-professional courses accordingly; however, to follow the core curriculum is a safe procedure. The Belmont University faculty advises the student at the time of registration in the selection of courses which will meet the requirements of the professional school of the student’s choice.


Law schools in the United States admit students with baccalaureate degrees who demonstrate a high potential for law study. The American Bar Association (ABA) does not recommend any specific undergraduate majors to prepare for a legal education and law students represent almost every academic discipline. It is important for an undergraduate student to select a major that is interesting and challenging while taking advantage of course work that can develop critical thinking and research and writing skills. A student who takes a broad range of challenging courses from demanding instructors is best prepared for law study.

Additionally, nationally accredited law schools require students to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The LSAT is the second primary component in the law school admission process. Most undergraduate students take the LSAT in the spring of their junior year or in the summer prior to their senior year. The law school admission cycle will begin in the fall of their senior year.

Belmont students enjoy firsthand access to law school information with the College of Law located on campus. For more information about preparing for law school, contact the Belmont University College of Law Admissions Office.


Graduate schools in medicine and health-related fields have a wide variety of curricular pre-requisites. Students who wish to take pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-occupational therapy, or pre-cytotechnology curricula should contact the Pre-Health Advisor for details concerning courses, admissions procedures, entrance examinations and volunteer experiences.

Pre-Physical Therapy

Refer to the current university graduate catalog for degree program requirements. For more information about preparing for physical therapy, contact the School of Physical Therapy.

FERPA and Privacy

FERPA - Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

What does “FERPA” stand for and why is it important?

  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
  • This federal law requires Belmont to protect the privacy of students’ education records

Rights guaranteed to students by FERPA

  • The right of access to education records
  • The right to consent to the release of records to third parties
  • The right to challenge inaccurate or misleading information in an education record
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning non-compliance with FERPA

Do parents or legal guardians have access to a student’s education records?

  • A student, regardless of age, is the “legal entity” once he or she begins to attend Belmont. FERPA rights belong to the student, not the parent or guardian.
  • This means that students must consent before a record is disclosed to the parents or legal guardians.
  • A student can authorize Belmont to discuss his/her educational records with parents/guardians by filling out the Consent to Release Educational Records.

What are education records?

Information recorded in any form that is directly related to a student and maintained by a college or university and by those acting for the college or university.

When is Consent Not Required?

  • To individuals within the university with legitimate educational interest
  • To officials at an institution in which student seeks to enroll
  • To comply with a court order or subpoena
  • To parents of students who are dependents for income tax purposes
  • To parents in cases of drug or alcohol violation when the student is under the age of 21
  • In connection with a health or safety emergency if necessary to protect the student or others
  • If the data is considered directory information

What is Directory Information?

  • Name, address, telephone number
  • Campus e-mail address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Major field of study
  • Dates of attendance, degrees and awards received
  • Previous educational agencies or institutions attended
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams

What if a student wants to prohibit the disclosure of directory information as well?

  • Students who do not want their directory information released may visit the Office of the Registrar to complete the appropriate form. Once the form is filed, the student’s record is flagged as “confidential” and no directory information is disclosed except as required by FERPA.
  • The confidentiality hold prohibits the release of information including but not limited to transcripts, enrollment verifications, and degree verifications.
  • If the student needs Belmont to release information from the student record, the request must be made in writing, accompanied by legal proof of identity. This applies whether the information is for the student’s personal use or for use by a third party.
  • Graduation, withdrawal and dismissal from the university do not automatically lift the confidential status on a student’s record. The record will remain confidential until the status is revoked by the student, in writing, accompanied by legal proof of identity.
  • If a confidentiality request is not filed, Belmont University assumes that a student does not object to the release of directory information.

For additional information, please visit:


Procedures for Protecting Students Privacy in Distance Education Courses

Belmont University is committed to protecting student privacy for students enrolled in all courses regardless of the mode of instruction (on-line, hybrid, classroom, etc.). All of the university policies regarding student privacy and information security applied through FERPA apply to distance education courses. Faculty teaching distance education courses are expected to uphold these polices and follow these procedures:

  • Teach distance education courses using BlackBoard, the University’s learning management system, in order to ensure security of student work and grades.
  • Use the University’s secure BannerWeb site to report student grades.
  • Use BlackBoard or the University’s email system for all official, confidential communication such as providing feedback on student work, releasing grade or course progress information to students, etc.
  • Keep student work, scores or grades confidential. Students in the course should not have access to other students’ work or grades.
  • Keep course BlackBoard or UR email account information secure. Do not share any login information with anyone, give anyone unauthorized access to the BlackBoard course or assign a student the role of instructor or graduate assistant in BlackBoard unless the graduate assistant is assigned a teaching role in the class and has an educational need to know.
  • Follow FERPA guidelines for sharing student educational record information with other faculty, staff, parents or others outside the university.

Graduation Requirements

All students should officially “declare” a major and minor after 64 credit hours, and must declare a major and minor after 94 credit hours. After the major/minor form has been filed at Belmont Central, the student will be notified of the courses which must be taken in order to graduate. Any course that does not follow the bulletin (for the degree program) in course title must have a substitution form (Program of Study Change Form) submitted. These can be obtained from the advisor or the Dean of the College.

Students must file a graduation application online through their “My Belmont” account by the posted deadlines for each graduation date. These dates are listed in the Academic Calendar in the front of this catalog. At the beginning of the semester of that graduation, the student will be billed for the non-refundable graduation fee. If a student fails to complete the graduation process in a given semester (as requested on the student’s Graduation Application), the student must reapply for graduation and an additional $50 fee is charged for each subsequent application.

General Degree Requirements:

  1. A minimum of 128 semester hours of university work numbered 1000 and above, with a minimum of 32 credit hours taken in residence at Belmont University. Some majors may require more than the minimum of 128 credit hours in order to earn the degree.
  2. The last 32 semester hours of course work on which a degree is granted must be done in residence at Belmont (with the exception of approved active articulation agreements), unless a Senior Residency Waiver is granted by the University Registrar for specific credit hours. (See Senior Residency Waiver Policyat the bottom of this page)
  3. C average (2.0) G.P.A. on the total hours attempted at Belmont University and an overall cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 from all postsecondary institutions, colleges and universities attended.
  4. C average (2.0) G.P.A. is required over all work done in both the major and the minor areas (including all transfer work except for courses determined to be remedial or orientation).
  5. All degree requirements (including convocation) must be finished and officially recorded with the University Registrar prior to commencement in order to be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony.
  6. 24 hours of a student’s major must be in courses numbered 2000 or above, unless otherwise approved under that major in the university catalog.
  7. A completed minor of at least 18 hours is required of every student, except those seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Fine Arts, University College students, students who have double majors, those seeking elementary licensure, or majors approved in the catalog without a minor required. Students may not minor in the same subject discipline as the major (i.e. have the same major and minor), unless university approved and so stated under that major in the university catalog. A minimum of 6 hours of the minor must be taken at Belmont.
  8. A completed major of at least 30 hours. A minimum of 12 hours of the major must be taken at Belmont.
  9. A student may graduate by meeting degree requirements listed in the university catalog for either the year in which she/he enters Belmont University or the one for the year in which she/he graduates. A student who is not enrolled for a period of two (2) consecutive academic years must meet the graduation requirements for either the university catalog under which he/she reenters Belmont or the one for the year in which he/she graduates.
  10. No more than one-fourth of the total curriculum leading to a degree, may be taken via distance education.
  11. At least 64 hours must be taken from accredited senior colleges and universities.
  12. To fulfill graduation requirements, students must earn a specified number of credits as designated in the University Convocation Program. (See The Guide, or access the convocation website from the Belmont home page.)
  13. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the Registrar’s Office regarding the applicability of transfer work to the Belmont degree program.
  14. The general policies and procedures in the latest (current) edition of the university catalog are always applicable to all students.

Second Bachelor’s Degrees

  1. The holder of a bachelor’s degree from Belmont University wishing to pursue a second degree from Belmont University must complete all the following requirements:
  • A minimum of 30 hours must be completed at Belmont, plus any Bell Core (General Education) requirements not previously earned for the new degree.1
  • A student seeking a second degree at Belmont may not earn the same degree previously earned.
  • The requirement for a minor is waived for students who have an earned bachelor’s degree.
  • A major as outlined in the catalog must be completed.
  • A student earning a second (different) degree is eligible to participate in graduation commencement. The graduation GPA calculation will be the cumulative GPA of all academic work.
  • The holder of a bachelor’s degree from another university wishing to pursue a second degree from Belmont University must complete all the following requirements:
  • A minimum of 32 hours must be completed at Belmont, plus any Bell Core (General Education) requirements not previously earned for the new degree.1
  • A student seeking a second degree at Belmont may not earn the same degree previously earned.
  • The requirement for a minor is waived for students who have an earned bachelor’s degree.
  • A major as outlined in the catalog must be completed.
  • A student earning a second (different) degree is eligible to participate in graduation commencement. The graduation GPA calculation will be the cumulative GPA of all academic work.

1 Students who have previously completed a four-year, baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. university shall be exempt from Bell Core (General Education) requirements at Belmont, except for the six-hour Religion requirement and Bell Core courses required of that degree not previously earned in the prior degree as follows: the math requirements for the B.S. and B.B.A. degree (whichever degree is sought) and two 2000+ level same language requirement for those seeking the B.A. All second degrees must include minimum hours matching the student in either 15 or 16 above, plus it includes the complete “major” requirements, plus unmet Bell Core courses as outlined above.

- Belmont degree recipient adding a major post-graduation.

  1. Students may elect to add another major post-graduation when that major is taken with no intention of earning a degree. Because a student may not earn the same degree again, this may be the option used if the major is exclusively within a degree already earned. Upon completion of the requirements for the second major, the transcript will note the original degree GPA, the GPA of the additional work, and add in the comment section at the top of the transcript “second major completed in (name of major), (date).”

Undergraduate Senior Residency and Waiver

All degree seeking students are required to take their last 32 credit hours in their degree / program at Belmont University. Prior to registration for the course(s), students seeking to take courses outside of Belmont must request a waiver of the senior residency requirement. Any credit hours taken without prior approval will not be accepted in transfer. See the Senior Residence Waiver policy and criteria on the Transfer Credit page.

Students approved for Senior Residency or in a Study Abroad program in their final semester of study are responsible to ensure that official grades are received by the deadline for all graduating senior grades near the end of the term. Without grades, completion of degree requirements cannot be confirmed. Students not meeting degree requirements may not participate in graduation / commencement.

Honors (Graduation)

Academic honors are calculated on all grades from all institutions of higher education attended. Those students who earn a Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) between 3.50 and 3.749 are graduated Cum laude (with honors). Students who earn a G.P.A. between 3.75 and 3.949, are graduated Magna cum laude (with high honors). Students who earn a G.P.A. between 3.950 and 4.00 are graduated Summa cum laude (with highest honors).

Undergraduate Senior Residency and Waiver

All degree seeking students are required to take their last 32 credit hours in their degree / program at Belmont University. Prior to registration for the course(s), students seeking to take courses outside of Belmont must request a waiver of the senior residency requirement. Any credit hours taken without prior approval will not be accepted in transfer. See the Senior Residence Waiver policy and criteria on the Transfer Credit page.

Students approved for Senior Residency or in a Study Abroad program in their final semester of study are responsible to ensure that official grades are received by the deadline for all graduating senior grades near the end of the term. Without grades, completion of degree requirements cannot be confirmed. Students not meeting degree requirements may not participate in graduation / commencement.

Honors (Graduation)

Academic honors are calculated on all grades from all institutions of higher education attended. Those students who earn a Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) between 3.50 and 3.749 are graduated Cum laude (with honors). Students who earn a G.P.A. between 3.75 and 3.949, are graduated Magna cum laude (with high honors). Students who earn a G.P.A. between 3.950 and 4.00 are graduated Summa cum laude (with highest honors).

Transfer Credit

A student transferring from another accredited university must submit evidence of honorable dismissal from the university last attended. Transferred grades of “D+” or lower may not be used for major, minor, or general education requirements. An official transcript of all past records is required. A transferring student must satisfy all entrance requirements at Belmont.

Transfer credit offered for advanced standing is evaluated in accordance with requirements for graduation at Belmont University. Belmont will accept no more than 64 semester hours (or the equivalent in quarter hours) earned at an accredited junior college / community college. Further, all hours accepted for direct transfer credit from a community college must be in courses normally offered at Belmont as lower division work, i.e. 1000 and 2000 level courses (formerly listed as 100 and 200 level courses). Students with more than 64 junior college / community college hours must still take 64 hours from senior colleges and universities before graduation, including the senior residence requirement (32 semester hours) explained under “Graduation Requirements / General Degree Requirements” for Bachelor Degrees.

All grades / credit hours are posted for students transferring to Belmont from other accredited colleges or universities according to the “Transfer Policy” section below. The following applies to all transfer work meeting transfer eligibility:

  • An official transcript must be sent directly to Belmont from the home institution or testing service that offered the courses.
  • Outside exams (e.g. AP, IB CEEB, CLEP, etc.) will not be taken off a high school / college / university’s transcript. The student must order an original transcript with scores from the applicable testing service and have it sent to Belmont.
  • “Transfer” courses listed on a transcript will not be taken off another college / university’s transcript. The student must order an original transcript from institution that offered the courses.
  • Transfer grades and credit hours are posted as they appear on the originating college / university’s transcript.
  • Transfer credits are posted as semester hours.
  • Only Belmont work is considered in figuring a student’s standing regarding retention, probation, suspension, and good standing.
  • All grades from all institutions will be used when determining the cumulative grade point average and counted for eligibility for graduation with honors. To be eligible for graduation the student must have a 2.0 average in major and minor course work (including transfer courses) and 2.0 cumulative GPA based on all cumulative course work. (see Graduation Requirements for a complete list).
  • A student intending to “repeat” a course with a low grade with the intention to “replace” the lower grade must repeat that course at the institution where the course was taken. For example to repeat and replace (in the GPA) a Belmont course, the course must be taken at Belmont.
  • A maximum of 24 semester hours credit combined may be earned in IB, AP, CLEP, etc.

Transfer Policy

Belmont University accepts credit issued by institutions academically accredited through the Southern, Western, Northwest, New England, North Central, or Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

For colleges with a different institutional accreditation, the university seeks to research and understand the transferring college’s academic standards at the institutional level and at the course level to ensure course content and academic rigor similar to Belmont’s. To be eligible for transfer review, the following three items must be initially confirmed:

  • The institution was accredited during the period of the student’s enrollment by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Verification that the student and courses were part of an academic degree program. Courses in diploma / certificate programs or vocationally focused degree programs are not eligible for transfer.
  • The courses were taught in a standard academic term period and clearly represented on an official transcript as semester or quarter hours. Clock hour courses are not accepted.

If the above three items are confirmed, the student may be asked to provide the following during Belmont’s final review of transfer eligibility to determine academic equivalency:

  • A letter from the chief academic officer describing the transferring college’s academic standards and any current articulation agreements with other colleges / universities.
  • Course descriptions and syllabi for courses intended for transfer.
  • Academic credentials of the instructor in each of those courses.

Art or music studio courses may be reviewed by the department in coordination with the Registrar upon request of the student. The department will use a portfolio or competency based evaluation and may recommend acceptance or denial of specific credits or waive designated Belmont courses.

Transfer Policy for International (Study Abroad) credits

Students wishing to have an international study abroad educational experience are strongly encouraged to enroll in a Belmont Study Abroad course to ensure direct acceptance of the course work and credit. Students choosing to use an international study abroad vendor / provider, (outside of Belmont’s Study Abroad) should be aware that transfer of those credits are not guaranteed regardless of promises made by that international education provider or other American universities that may accept those credits. All students still electing to use a non-Belmont study abroad program must have those course / credits evaluated after completion by an approved third party expert international credit evaluation company. 

All applicants with college level coursework from a foreign institution, must have their transcripts evaluated by an approved foreign credential evaluation organization, such as World Education Services (WES) or Joseph Silny and Associates or an evaluation service currently listed as a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES); (see http://www.naces.org). Other evaluation services will not be accepted.The transcript results of that approved third party professional evaluation (course, credit and grade), sent directly from the evaluator to Belmont is what is used officially by the University Registrar for credit transfer and recorded on the student’s Belmont transcript. Any transcript information received that does not provide course(s), credit hours earned, and an interpretable grade to the Belmont grade scale will not be posted on the Belmont University transcript.

The International Education Office does maintain a current list of acceptable third party international education providers, which includes groups that have proven to provide students with high quality travel and educational experiences. This list is maintained as a service to students who may wish to pursue an international experience outside of the Belmont Study Abroad courses. Students using a service from this list (or any other provider) are still required to have an approved third party evaluation (see the above paragraph for approved foreign credential evaluation organization) in order to have the credits transfer back to Belmont. The International Education Office also maintains a list of foreign universities in which Belmont has a formal articulation agreement for credit transfer. If Belmont has a formal transfer articulation agreement with such a university, Belmont will accept credits directly from that institution’s transcript provided that the transcript is sent in English and formatted clearly showing courses, credit hours and grades.

Concurrent Enrollment

Degree-seeking students currently enrolled in courses at Belmont University (full-time or part-time status) seeking to take additional credits (of any type including distance education courses) at another college or university, must gain approval for “concurrent enrollment” from the Office of the Registrar prior to registration. Any credit hours taken without prior approval may not be accepted in transfer.

Allowance for concurrent enrollment is based upon the following:

  1. Signed approval for concurrent enrollment using the Concurrent Enrollment Request Form, available on the Registrar’s web link from the university homepage.
  2. Once a student has started / matriculated to Belmont, s/he may not take more than a total of 18 credit hours at another college or university. Exceptions to this provision include Belmont approved programs on other campuses and approved study abroad programs. These exceptions do not count toward the 18 hour limit.
  3. Students may not take more than a total of 19 credit hours in any single semester (16 in summer) inclusive of Belmont credit hours and all attempted credit hours at other institutions. Standard exceptions to 19 maximum hours must be approved in advance by the Registrar and Dean using the existing policy / form for “exceeding maximum credit hours.”
  4. A student readmitted to Belmont will have a concurrent enrollment request individually reviewed by the University Registrar in light of number of transferred hours, remaining hours toward degree and course availability at Belmont.
  5. Concurrent enrollment is not allowed in the last 32 credit hours of a degree program without waiver of the Senior Residency requirement (see below).
  6. Requests that exceed the above provisions must be of an unusual or emergency nature to be granted.

Senior Residency and Waiver

All degree seeking students are required to take their last 32 credit hours in their degree / program at Belmont University. Prior to registration for the course(s), students seeking to take courses outside of Belmont must request a waiver of the senior residency requirement. Any credit hours taken without prior approval will not be accepted in transfer.

Senior Residence Waiver is based upon the following:

  1. Signed approval by the University Registrar using the Senior Residency Waiver Form.
  2. An appropriately signed Change of Program (“Substitution”) Form must be attached with the Senior Residency Waiver Form.
  3. Waiver must be based upon demonstrated emergency or exceptional necessity, which requires the student to provide a written explanation.
  4. The senior residency waiver may not violate requirements 2 and 3 listed in the concurrent enrollment provisions.
  5. The student must be in “good standing” status with Belmont. Any exception must be demonstrated to be an emergency or exceptional necessity and approved by the University Registrar.
  6. A student may not take a course at another institution if that course (or its equivalency) is offered at Belmont and offered during the term of request. It should be noted that any exception to this is extremely rare.
  7. Requests that exceed the above provisions must be of an unusual or emergency nature to be granted and approved by the university Provost.

The senior residency provision does not apply to students participating in formal Belmont consortia, cross-town or credit articulation agreements; however, students in such approved programs should still complete a Senior Residency Waiver Form if they are taking courses elsewhere during the last 32 hours in order to properly notify the Registrar’s Office of attendance at another institution. Students enrolled in Belmont study abroad courses (any prefix _950 course) do not need to fill out a Senior Residency Waiver Form.