Feb 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Financing Your Education

The cost of an education from Belmont University is among the lowest to be found in any accredited private senior university in the South and compares favorably with the total expenses of other accredited colleges and universities. The low costs have been made possible by substantial gifts by alumni and friends. Therefore, the actual cost of educating a student at Belmont University is considerably greater than the amount charged and all students attending Belmont share in this savings. Belmont University reserves the right to alter fees and tuition at the beginning of any semester of the academic year if, in the judgment of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, such change is necessary.

The university cost estimator page under the Student Financial Services (SFS) web link is the definitive listing for university costs. Any differences below defer to the SFS cost listing.


Note: The Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) is Belmont’s source for current tuition, fees, and other applicable charges particular to the student’s enrollment. The information below is checked for accuracy however any discrepancy in the information below is superseded by information posted on Belmont’s SFS website.

Tutition (2016-2017)
The following charges are made each semester.
Fall and Spring Semesters 12-16 Hours 15,650.00 per semester
Fewer than 12 hours 1190.00 per hour
More than 16 hours 1190.00 per hour
Adult Degree Program (formerly University College) 675.00 per hour
Audit (per hour) 1190.00 per hour
Consolidated Undergraduate Fees (non-refundable)
Student Fee 0-3 hours 205.00 per semester
Student Fee 4-11 hours 520.00 per semester
Student Fee 12+ hours 760.00 per semester
University College 205.00 per semester
Graduation Fee Undergraduate/Masters/Doctorate 185.00/250.00/275.00
International Student Application Fee (See Admissions )

Student Fee

The funds generated by this fee directly impact the overall campus experience for Belmont students, including such important areas as emergency services, campus safety, mail services, parking, maintenance, career services, library services, student activities, and technological advancements.

Enrollment Deposit

Upon approval to Belmont, all new students are required to pay a $250 enrollment deposit to reserve a place in the semester for which the student applied. Payment of the enrollment deposit is necessary before any new student may register for classes.

The enrollment deposit will be credited to the student’s account and will be used to offset the expenses accrued in the first semester of studies at Belmont. If the student resides on campus, the housing deposit will be pulled from the enrollment deposit.

There is a $250 orientation fee that will be deducted from the enrollment deposit. The enrollment deposit includes a deposit for housing, which is nonrefundable.

Campus Housing
All residential students will be required to comply with a nine-month contract.
Room and Board charges will be placed on the student’s account.
Hail/Heron/Maddox/Pembroke/Wright 2,830.00 per person per semester
Kennedy/Thraikill/Patton/Potter 3,220.00 per person per semester
Belmont Commons 4,350.00 per person per semester
Dicken/Horrell 4,480.00 per person per semester*
* An Additional $250 housing fee will be assessed to certain rooms
Russell Hall Apartment 4,480.00 per person per semester
Russell Hall Suite 3,220.00 per person, per semester
The Hillside - 2 BR 4,815.00 per person per semester
The Hillside - 4 BR 4,585.00 per person per semester

During the Fall and Spring Semesters the Residence Halls will remain open for all breaks and holidays with the exception of Christmas and the period between Summer Session and Fall Semester. Limited summer housing is available. Please contact the Office of Residence Life or visit the SFS website for additional information.

Meal Plan Charges
Incoming Freshman must select a 20, 16, or 14 meal plan.
All meal plan contracts are for the entire academic year, and may not be changed mid-year.

2016-2017 Meals

Plan 1: 20 meals per week + 100 declining points 2,620.00/semester
Plan 2: 14 meals per week + 275 declining points 2,495.00/semester
Plan 3: 8 meals per week + 425 declining points 1,745.00/semester
Plan 4: 5 meals per week (Apt. and Commuters only) 785.00/semester

The University Dining Hall is closed during Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break; however, during those breaks, other on-campus food service options may be available to students. Food service options during breaks may NOT be included in the meal plan cost.

Selecting Meal Plans

All meal plan meals are all served in the dining hall. Meal plans with extra credit consist of meals served in the dining hall and the additional credit which can be used in the Curb Cafe, What’s Bruin and Corner Court.

Course Fees

Some courses at Belmont require additional special fees for materials or specialized instruction used in the course. These fees are listed as part of the individual course description and are listed in the class schedule each term. These fees are non-refundable.


Payment Policy

Financial arrangements for all student charges must be settled by the published payment deadline. It is the student responsibility to make this payment even is a statement has not been received. If the student is unable to pay the total balance due (after guaranteed financial aid), the student may join an interest-free monthly payment program with Tuition Management Services, TMS. You may enroll on line at www.afford.com/belmont or call 1-800-722-4867.This program provides an opportunity to make monthly payments with no interest, borrowing, or hidden fees. For a low enrollment fee, the student can participate in this plan and take 8, 10 or 12 months (depending on the enrollment date) to pay for the tuition for the fall and spring semesters. Students who do not priority-register must be prepared to select a payment plan and make an initial payment at the time of registration.

If a student has any financial obligation to Belmont, the student will not be allowed to register for any subsequent semester, or reserve housing, until the account is paid in full. Belmont reserves the right to withhold the diploma and official transcript from students with delinquent accounts.

Statement of Liability

Should a student leave Belmont University owing on his/her account, he/she will be liable for all fees associated with collections. In addition to this the student will be responsible for collection agency/attorney fees of 33.33% - 50% of the unpaid balance.

Check Cashing

Using a valid I.D., Belmont Central and the Bookstore are authorized to cash checks up to $20 per day for students whose accounts are in good standing. The face of the check must have the student’s name, local address, telephone number and social security number.

A student who presents a check to Belmont University that is not subsequently honored by the bank on which the check is drawn will be charged $25. If the check is not redeemed within 10 days of notification of a returned check, the student may be subject to disciplinary or legal action. After three returned checks in any office of Belmont University, all checking privileges are revoked.

Class Changes (Drop/Add Period)

Adjustments will be made to accounts during the drop/add period if the total number of credit hours is decreased or increased, i.e. less than 12 hours, more than 16 hrs. After the drop/add period, there is no credit to the account for decreasing the total number of credit hours, regardless as to when the course first meets.

Refund Schedule - Complete Withdrawals

Registration at the university is considered a contract binding the student for the entire semester. Many commitments of the university are based upon the enrollment anticipated at the beginning of the semester.

Any student refusing to conform to the disciplinary rules of the university or being suspended for academic reasons would forfeit all claim for any refund.

Note: Refund of tuition is not applicable when withdrawing from individual courses. (See “Class Changes Drop/Add Period” above for exceptions).

After late registration, there will be no refund of Academic Enrichment Fee, Student Activity Fee or Course Fees.

When a student officially withdraws from all courses (Fall or Spring), through submission of a university withdrawal form, any refund of tuition will be governed by the following policy calculated from the first official day of classes. However, additional cancellation fees may be assessed.

Date of withdrawal Percentage of refund
Within first week of classes 100% refund of tuition
Within second week of classes 80% refund of tuition
Within third week of classes 60% refund of tuition
Within fourth week of classes 40% refund of tuition
Within fifth week of classes 20% refund of tuition
After fifth week No refund

No refund will be considered past the fifth week of classes in any semester.

For possible refund of housing charges contact the office of Residence Life.

Refund Appeal

Students who believe they have individual circumstances warranting an exception to published refund policies may appeal the application of the policy. Appeals must be submitted to:

Office of Student Financial Services
Student Accounts Appeals Committee
1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212-3757

Students choosing to appeal should submit a written letter of appeal accompanied by supporting documentation. This letter must be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the semester for which they are appealing. Appeals are reviewed monthly by an established committee.

Refund of Credit Balance

Any student who has a refundable credit balance on his/her account will receive a refund check. The first date for refunds for each semester is in compliance with federal mandates.

After the first refund date in each semester, refunds will be processed weekly. If an account has a refundable credit balance by noon on Tuesday, a refund will be processed and available the following Friday at Belmont Central. Refunds remaining in Belmont Central after 3:30 p.m. on Friday will be mailed to the billing address. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the University Registrar informed of any address changes. Belmont cannot be responsible for delays caused by inaccurate addresses.

Financial Aid Programs

The purpose of financial aid at Belmont University is to provide assistance to students who need help in meeting the cost of education. Belmont believes that the primary responsibility for providing educational expenses rests with the student and parents. Financial Aid should assist in providing the difference between the expected family contribution and the cost of education or the student’s financial need. (Cost of education minus expected family contribution equals estimated financial need.) All resources other than family contributions are considered financial aid.

  1. Renewal of aid is not automatic. The student must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and need throughout the undergraduate years.
  2. The amount offered in grants, loans, and work-study funds may vary from year to year.
  3. All Federal programs are subject each year to the action of the Congress of the United States of America.
  4. All financial aid is awarded to students without regard to race, sex, or age. The majority of aid is provided on the basis of financial need. Financial assistance granted is to be used only for legitimate educational purposes.
  5. Please refer to your financial aid award packet for additional information regarding “Conditions of Award”.
  6. Awards are based on full-time enrollment. In order to meet the “full-time” standard, a student must register for at least 12 hours per semester as an undergraduate student, and at least 6 hours per semester as a graduate student. Students must be enrolled full-time for institutional grants to disburse.

How Do I Apply?

To be considered for financial aid, an applicant should:

  1. Complete application procedures by December 1. Students not completing the application process by December 1 will be considered for aid by date of completed application.
  2. Apply and be accepted for admission to Belmont University.
  3. Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Renewal FAFSA (for previous Federal Aid applicants) and request that Belmont University receive a copy of the analysis. The FAFSA requires approximately six weeks for processing and should be filed much earlier than the December 1 priority deadline.
  4. All Tennessee residents should complete the FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA to be considered for Tennessee Student Assistance Award and the TELS Award.

Merit-Based Aid

Academic Scholarships

Academic scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen on the basis of academic excellence and individual achievement. The application for admission to the university serves as the application for merit scholarship. General academic merit scholarships are awarded to freshman applicants on a rolling basis following the offer of admission. December 1 is the application deadline for consideration for Belmont’s most competitive named and departmental scholarships. Notification of named and departmental scholarships will be sent in mid-February. These scholarships are renewable for a specific period, provided the student maintains the necessary grade-point average. The scholarships are competitive and are awarded through a selective process by the Office of Admissions.

General Freshman Academic Merit Scholarships

General Freshman Academic Merit Scholarships range from $3,000 to $10,000 annually. Admitted freshmen with academic credentials that meet or exceed the University’s freshman class profile are considered competitive candidates for these awards. The freshman class entering fall 2016 had an average ACT composite score of 26 or SAT composite - Critical Reading + Math only - of 1210 (for SATs taken March 2016 and beyond), with a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.6 on a four-point scale.

Presidential Scholarships

The Presidential Scholarship is Belmont’s most competitive scholarship, awarded to approximately five incoming freshmen. The scholarship provides full tuition, room, board, books, and fees for four academic years (eight semesters) of continuous study. Traditionally, twelve finalists are invited to personally interview on campus for this award. Selection criteria include a review of academic and leadership accomplishments. Demonstrated financial need may also be considered. Candidates for the Presidential Scholarship will have a minimum composite score of 30 on the ACT or 1390 (Critical Reading + Math only) on the SAT (for SATs taken March 2016 and beyond). Submission of the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is also required.

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Program

One scholarship covering full tuition, room, board, books, and fees for a student from a diverse background with outstanding academic and leadership records.

Ingram Diversity Leadership Scholarships

Four full-tuition scholarships for students with diverse backgrounds from the Nashville area with outstanding academic and leadership records.

Thomas J. Madden Ministerial Scholarship

One full-tuition scholarship for a Christian freshman male majoring in religion and who plans to enter full time ministry.

Faculty Scholarships

Approximately 150 Faculty Scholarship offers of $15,000 annually to the top incoming freshmen who qualified for initial Presidential Scholarship consideration.

Servant Leader Scholarship

One full-tuition scholarship for a Christian freshman female who majors in religion and who plan to enter a church-related career.

Turner Scholarship

$7,500 awards for students from rural high schools with outstanding academic records and demonstrated need.

Glover Accounting Scholarship

Merit-based scholarship for students majoring in accounting who meet academic scholarship criteria.

Glover Business Scholarship

Merit-based scholarship for students majoring in business who meet academic scholarship criteria.

Leadership Scholarships

Approximately 50 Leadership Scholarship offers of $3,000 annually to incoming freshman who demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities through the resume of activities.

Rose Park Scholarships

Half and full tuition scholarships for deserving incoming freshman with demonstrated need who live in proximity to ES Rose Park.

Community Scholarships

Half tuition scholarships awarded every other year for deserving incoming freshman with demonstrated need and above average academic credentials who live in proximity to the Belmont University campus.

Performance-Based Aid

Athletic scholarships

Performance-based scholarships based upon athletic ability and level of need of position. Contact the coach of the sport for more information. http://www.belmontbruins.com

Music scholarships

Performance-based scholarships for music majors based upon audition, level of music involvement and academic record. http://www.belmont.edu/music

Art Scholarships

Performance-based scholarships for art majors based upon portfolio, personal interview, and academic record. http://www.belmont.edu/art

Athletic Grants-in-Aid

A grant program for those participating in athletics. Students must contact the Athletic Director or the coach of the sport in which they are interested.

Institutional Grants

Application forms may be obtained from Belmont Central or on line at www.belmont.edu/sfs

Multi-Student Discount

The multi-student discount assists families with two or more students enrolled at Belmont University. The multi-student discount allows for families to receive a 25% tuition reduction for the second undergraduate of two students attending, or for the second undergraduate student plus any additional undergraduate students attending the University at the same time. This discount is not available in the summer.

Church-Related Vocational Grant

Students who plan to pursue a career in a church-related vocation and/or are currently active in related activities; i.e., pastoral, education, music, youth, or mission ministries are eligible for $500 per semester.

Need-Based Aid

Grants (Governmental)

Federal PELL Grants - A direct grant from the Federal Government based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA. The recipient must be a U.S. Citizen, or in the U.S. for other than temporary purposes. The recipient must maintain satisfactory academic progress. The maximum grant is determined each year by the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) - A federal grant administered by Belmont University and based on financial need and availability of funds.

Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA) - A direct grant from the State of Tennessee, for undergraduate Tennessee residents. All awards are based on financial need and availability of funds.

Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (HOPE) - Awarded to entering freshmen (class of 2016) and returning students who are Tennessee residents and meet eligibility requirements as specified by the Tennessee state legislature. For more details, visit www.tn.gov/collegepays.

Institutional Scholarships

Institutional scholarships are funded by Belmont University. Students must be enrolled full-time (undergraduates: twelve credit hours and graduates: six graduate credit hours) in order to receive institutional funds. Scholarships awarded for an undergraduate program of study cannot be applied toward any graduate program.

Employment Programs

Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) - A federal program administered by Belmont whereby students may work up to 20 hours per week. The number of hours per week is based on financial need and monies available.

A student may remain employed only as long as they do satisfactory work and their academic record warrants it. A student may not work more than 20 hours per week.


Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS) - Credit-based loans for the parents of dependent students. Parents may apply for these loans and, if approved, may use the funds to help pay for education expenses up to the cost of attendance minus all other financial assistance. Interest is charged during all periods. Repayment generally begins 60 days of final disbursement. The loan amount on the award letter is a recommendation. Note: PLUS loan borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history (credit check will be done). Student must complete FAFSA to receive a Direct Parent PLUS Loan.

Federal Perkins Loan Fund - A federal loan program administered by Belmont University whereby needy students may borrow long-term, low-interest (5%) loans. Interest and repayment are deferred from six to nine months after the student leaves school. All Federal Perkins Loan recipients must participate in an exit interview if they do not plan to return to Belmont the following academic year.

Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan - For undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need, as determined by federal regulations. No interest is charged while a student is in school at least half-time, and during periods of deferment. Repayment begins following a six-month grace period after you graduate, leave school, or cease being enrolled as at least a half-time student. The student must submit a Direct Master Promissory Note (MPN) and complete online entrance counseling. Undergraduate students must be enrolled at least six hours.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - Not based on financial need; interest is charged during all periods, even during the time a student is in school and during grace and deferment periods. If you choose not to pay the interest while you are in school and during grace periods and deferment or forbearance periods, your interest will accrue (accumulate) and be capitalized (that is, your interest will be added to the principal amount of your loan). Repayment begins following a six-month grace period after you graduate, leave school, or cease being enrolled as at least a half-time student. The student must submit a Direct Master Promissory Note (MPN) and complete online entrance counseling. Undergraduate students must be enrolled at least six hours. Graduate students must be enrolled at least three hours.

Stafford funds must be directly applied to student’s account. Should the application of the check or EFT result in an overpayment of the account, the credit balance will be refunded according to the refund policy. All Stafford Loan recipients must participate in an exit interview if they do not plan to return to or graduate from Belmont.

Other Aid Programs

Outside Scholarships, Social Security, Veterans Administration and Vocational Rehabilitation are other sources of financial assistance. All funds received by these agencies must be reported to the Office of Student Financial Services. For further information regarding these programs, contact the appropriate agency.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

In order to receive federal financial aid, students must be making satisfactory academic progress. We are required to apply standards that are both qualitative and quantitative. These standards will apply for periods of enrollment beginning on or after August 1, 1998.

Eligibility for federal programs will be evaluated as part of the initial application process and again at the end of the spring semester of each academic year. In the evaluation process, all grades of “W” (Withdrawn) and “I” (Incomplete) will be counted as hours attempted but not passed. Repeated courses will count as hours attempted. Entering students are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress.

Students cannot receive aid after attempting 150% of the hours required for completion of their academic program. Hours accepted for transfer credit will reduce this time frame.

Undergraduate Students

Qualitative - Students must be accepted for admission and be eligible to enroll for classes. Students must also achieve and maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average on all course work attempted including accepted transfer coursework.

Quantitative - Students must average passing 66.67% of all hours attempted.

Graduate Students

Qualitative - Students must be accepted for admission and be eligible to enroll for classes. In addition, students must achieve and maintain a cumulative 3.0 grade point average on all course work including accepted transfer course work.

Quantitative - Students must average passing 66.67% of all hours attempted.

Pharmacy Students

Qualitative - Students must be accepted for admission and be eligible to enroll for classes. Students must also achieve and maintain a cumulative 2.3 grade point average on all course work attempted including accepted transfer course work.

Quantitative - Students must average passing 66.67% of all hours attempted.

Law Students

Qualitative - Students must be accepted for admission and be eligible to enroll for classes. Students must also achieve and maintain a cumulative 2.5 grade point average on all coursework attempted including accepted transfer coursework.

Quantitative - Students must average passing 66.67% of all hours attempted.


Students failing to meet these standards for satisfactory academic progress may feel that there are mitigating circumstances which contributed to their failure. In such cases, students may choose to appeal for reinstatement of their financial aid eligibility based on these unique circumstances. Students must explain the reasons for not meeting the satisfactory academic progress standards as well as include a plan of action to be reviewed by the committee. An allowable basis for an appeal includes the following:

  • Personal illness or injury
  • Personal crisis
  • Illness or death of a family member
  • Original grade was lower than current changed grade
  • Second degree, double major, change of major (maximum timeframe only)
  • Other unexpected circumstances beyond the control of the student

Steps to File an Appeal

  1. Complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal and Academic Action Plan Form
  2. Attach a one-page Explanation Statement and relevant supporting documentation
  3. Attach a copy of your complete DegreeWorks Audit. Update, review and print your DegreeWorks Audit and/or Degree Works Planner as required
  4. If this is not your first SAP appeal, then you must also attach the DegreeWorks Planner signed by your advisor
  5. Submit all documents to the Office of Student Financial Services

Appeals must be submitted in writing and should be addressed to:

Office of Student Financial Services
Belmont University
1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

Decisions of the committee are final and will be communicated in writing.

Withdrawal and Return of Federal Title IV Funds

When a student who received federal Title IV financial aid withdraws from the university, the unearned portion of these awards must be returned to federal Title IV financial aid programs. Federal Title IV financial aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), the Federal Perkins Loan, the Federal Stafford Loan, and the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).

In order to determine the unearned portion of federal financial aid, first subtract the number of days remaining in the academic term after the withdrawal date (federal regulations define the withdrawal date as the date on which the student initiates the withdrawal process) from the total number of days in the academic term. The remainder is divided by the total number of days in the academic term. The resulting percentage is applied to the total of federal Title IV federal aid awarded to the student for the term in order to determine unearned Title IV aid.
The federal government has prescribed the order in which unearned aid is returned to federal Title IV programs. The responsibility for the return of unearned federal Title IV financial aid is shared by the student and the university.

Students and parents should note that the requirement to return federal Title IV funds may result in a balance due to Belmont University subsequent to withdrawal.